22- No...

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Walking down the corridor with Fred and George, i hear that Lupin needs a few more wand on his side of the castle and we are quick to run and stand beside him.

I watch as the spell that McGonagall casted gets blasted at by the death eaters.

I watch as openings begin to form in the barrier and i swallow hard, it's now or never.

"You ok, Freddie?" I hear George say to Fred as i stand in the middle of them

"Yeah..." Fred says as he holds my right hand and i feel George hold my left

"Me too" George says and i smile at the both of them.

Suddenly, an explosion sounds and lots of bright beams of light hit us.

I look away as Fred and George stand behind me both of them holding onto one arm of mine as they look away as well.

When i turn my face to look forwards again i watch as the Snatchers shout and run forward, the barrier being no more.

Suddenly, the bridge ends up collapsing so that there is no way for them to get into the castle and i breath a sigh of relief, that is until i watch hundreds of giants begin to fight there way into the castle.

"We've got to help them!" I shout as the twins nod and we run down the crowded stairs of screaming students, into the courtyard.

We rush down the steps and the twins and i stand next to Professor McGonagall as she tells the students to get inside and take cover.

"Get inside!" The twins and i shout as something captures my attention.

I'm quick to run forward and help up a first year, just as the giants begin to storm into the yard.

The twins and i run into the castle and i tell the first year to go with the others.

"You could have died!" George says to me as Fred and himself help me run as i catch my breath

"So could have that girl!" I say as i run further into the castle.

We round the corner and what greats me makes me have to stop and breath for a second.

Every corridor, destroyed.

Broken windows, glass everywhere.

Bodies lying on the ground, classmates, students, teachers.

I gasp as Fred and George pull me to keep running, as not to end up dead ourselves.

I hear an explosion go off down one of the empty-ish corridors and i feel Fred pull on my arm, stopping.

"Let me go and check it out, check if anyone was there, if they need help" He says to me and i reluctantly nod.

He goes to run in a different direction, but he stops and kisses me first as he pulls back and runs off.

"Come on, we've got to keep running" George says and i nod following after him, looking one last time down the hallway.

Suddenly we hear glass being shattered behind us and we turn around to see rubble littering the hallway that Fred just went down.

"No..." I say as i look at it "No!!!!" I shout as i rip my arm from Georges hold and i run down the hallway, looking for Fred.

No he can't be... he just can't be.

I reach the end of the hallway and i see Fred lying on the ground with a witch holding her wand above him.

I watch as she manages to flick the wand out of his hand with a spell.

And that's when i hear it, Voldemort's voice searing through my head, but i don't listen to him.

I can't focus properly, because of the ringing, but i manage to stay standing up as i walk up behind the witch who holds her wand, ready to harm Fred and i shout the spell i never thought i would use.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" I shout and i watch as her lifeless body falls to the floor and that's what took me over the edge.

Mr. Weasley ✔️ ||FredWxFReader Harry Potterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें