07 - Closer then ever before

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"I'm sorry, but what are we supposed to do now.. I mean i'm not complaining about missing class, but staring at a hedge for an hour.. It's kind of boring" I say to Fred, George, Hermione, Lee and Ron.

Harry, Krum and Cedric have just disapparated  into the maze to complete the fourth task.

"That's not the point Y/N, the point is to make-" Hermione says

"-Friends.. i know." I finish

"I don't know about you all, but i'm going to study" Hermione informs us

"Yeah, i don't think so" Lee says back.

"We've got more important things to do" George says

"Like what? What could be more important then studding for school?" Hermione asks

"Selling our candy of cause!" The twins say at the same time as they walk off.


"There they are!" I hear someone shout as i stand up, along with Hermione, Lee, Ron, George and Fred next to me.

I see Harry and Cedric come out of the maze

"They really did it!" I shout 

"Wait...." I say after a minute " Is.. is Cedric.... dead?!" 

I begin to go into a state of shock and i feel someone pull me into a hug.

"It's alright, i've got her.. you go and check if Harry is ok" I hear one of the twins speak.


"Cedric Diggory was, as you all know, exceptionally hard working, infinitely fair minded and most importantly.. a fierce.. fierce friend. Now i think, therefore, that you have a right to know exactly how he died.. You see, Cedric Diggory was murdered" Dumbledore starts

I flitch at the word and hold onto Freds and for dear life

"By lord Voldemort! The ministry of magic does not wish me to tell you this, but not to do so, i think, would be an insult to his memory. The pain will fade and this dreadful pain, this dreadful loss.. And the bonds of friendship that we made this year will be more important then ever..."

I dig my fingers further into Freds hand at the words 


Leaving Hogwarts was much more saddening this year, but one great thing came from Cedrics death.. Everyone felt closer then ever before.

"Gorge! Fred!" I call  as i run towards them in the courtyard

I bring them both into a massive hug

"I'm going to miss you both so much!" I say

"We're going to miss you too!" George shouts

"Well, i will kiss you more obviously!" Fred says as i laugh and bring him forward for a kiss.

"Yuck, get a room you two! I don't think i can survive seeing you kiss everyday and you both made it official only a week ago!" George complains

"I'm gonna miss you too Georgie.. don't worry!" I say, bringing them both into a hug again 

"Ok, that's enough hugging.... race you to the train?" Fred asks

"You're on!" I shout


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