24- People die everyday

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"It's Harry, we think he's gone into the forest!" Ron shouts as he runs into the great hall and i look up, with my tear stained face.

"What?!" I yell as i stand up and look at him.

"The message, Voldemort said that he had to come and face him or he would kill us all and we can't find him, we think he's gone into the forest" Hermione says.

The Weasleys and i all look at each other before we hear some other students shout for us to go and stand in the courtyard.

We all rush outside when we stop dead in our tracks, seeing Harry being carried into the grounds by Hagrid.

"No... He can't have" I say as i watch Neville stand in front of us all.

I see Voldemort walk in the yard, in front of all of his deatheaters.

"Harry Potter.. is dead" He says and i watch as Ginny screams and tries to run to him, but Voldemort pushes her back with a spell.

"Now it's your time to come forward and join us... or die!" He shouts and i hold onto Fred's hand, tightly.

I would rather die then join him.

I watch as Voldemort hugs Draco as he walks over to his parents.

I always disliked that Malfoy, but i can't blame him for going onto Voldemort's side, that's where his parents are, he really had no choice.

I move my face into Georges arm, who is next to me and he places his hand on my head.

Suddenly, i hear footsteps step forward and i look up and see Neville.

"Well, i must say that i hoped for better" Voldemort says as the deatheaters laugh.

"I'd like to say something" Neville says "It doesn't matter that Harrys gone, people die everyday, friends, family... yeah we lost Harry tonight, but he's still with us... in here" He says as he touches his heart "We lost, Tonks and Professor Lupin..." He says as i nod at the ground "All of them, but they didn't die in vain, but you will" He says turning to Voldemort "Because Harrys heart, did beat for us, for all of us!" He shouts as he draws the sword of Gryffindor out of the sorting hat "It's not over!" He shouts and i gasp as Harry rolls out of Hagrid's arms and casts spells at Nagini.

Suddenly, half of the deatheaters disapparate away as Bellatrix shouts at the to come back.

We all get rushed inside the castle as the battle starts up again.

I watch as Harry runs deep into the castle again and i crouch in a corner with Fred and George beside me.

Suddenly, a deatheater appears in front of us and i watch as it falls to the ground.

I look in front of us and i see Arthur with his wand in the air and i smile, standing up and runing at another deatheater attacking a student as the twins rush off to fight as well.

Suddenly, i notice Bellatrix firing spells at Ginny and i stand next to her as she goes behind me, i block most of Bellatrix's spells, but one nocks my wand out of my hand and suddenly, Molly is in front of me.

"Not my Daughters you bitch!" She shouts as she blasts spells at Bellatrix and she ends up making her freeze and with one final blast Bellatrix turns into dust.

I hug her and she hugs me back

"I wasn't going to loose you for a second time" She tells me with a smile as she goes to Ginny.

I look over and i see Nagini chasing Ron and Hermione and i shout over at Neville and he swings the sward and it kills the snake.

I run over to them both and i make sure that they are alright.

Suddenly, an explosion sounds from outside and them everything... stops.

The death eater all disparate and the rest of Hogwarts look around, confused, that is until Harry walks in, smiling.

He's done it, he's killed Voldemort!

Mr. Weasley ✔️ ||FredWxFReader Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now