05 - You're going with who?!

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"If i have to do it, so do you!"

"I told you to just go ahead and wait for me!" Hermione shouts at me for the second time.

"And i told you i'm not going to let you go alone!"

"So, you believe them when they say that i don't have a date?!" Hermione says defensively

I role my eyes " Of cause not! I'm saying that i can't let you walk down the steps alone!"

"Well... i'm sort of going to meet him at the bottom" Hermione says apprehensively

I sigh and walk own the stairs with my arm linked with Lee's arm. I stand at the bottom and watch as Hermione begins to walk down the stairs.

"She's beautiful!" Says Parvati Patil, Harrys' date as i have gathered.

"I know, she looks stunning" I agree as i watch he descend the stairs and meet up with... Krum?!

As soon as she begins t walk towards me i hug her and whisper in here ear

"You're going with Krum?!" I say

"Yes.." She says dreamily

"Great choice!" I say winking to her as we step apart and we make our way into the great hall.


Entering the great hall was not one of the things i had planned to be apprehensive about, but as soon as i caught sight of Fred chatting with Angelica, i began to be just that.

"Lee, i'm so worried. What if Fred hates me?!" I say quickly as i begin to grow more worried

"Relax, besides consider this.." He turns to stand in front of me and holds out his hand as i except and he pulls me in to join the dance "Payback".


As the night goes on, i begin to become aware of all the dancing that we are expected to do and my feet begin to grow tired as i take a seat next to Ron and Harry.

"Hot isn't it?" Hermione says coming to sit by, Lee, Harry, Ron and i along with Rons date

"Viktors gone to get us drinks, do you care to join us?"

"No, we do not care to join you and Viktor!" Ron says, clearly jealous

"What's got your wand in a knot?" Hermione asks Ron

"He's a durmstrang, you're fraternizing with the enemy" Ron replies

"The enemy, who was it wanting his autograph?!" Hermione reminds him

"Ron! Stop it right now! You can't seriously be starting that argument, you sound like a jealous boyfriend!" I tell Ron off.

Hermione walks off to be with Viktor while Padma turns to Ron

"Are you going to ask me to dance or not?" She asks him

"No..." Ron says, deflated after the argument he just had with Hermione.

"Well, i'm going to ask Y/N, Y/N?"

"Sure..." I say


Making our way onto the dance floor, i accidently bang arms with someone.

"I'm sorry, i-... Fred!" I say

"Oh, umm, Hi Y/N. Do you maybe want to talk outside?" Fred asks me

"Oh, yeah sure just let me tell-"

"It's fine.. go!" Lee tells me, dancing with someone in the year bellow us, happily

I see Fred, now talking to some Durmstrang boy, so i grab his arm and pull him out of the room, not letting go until we are by the black lake, sitting by a tree.


I let go of Fred's hand and sit down, leaning my back on a tree by the waters edge.

After a minute, Fred comes and plops down besides me too.

"So..." Fred says, not knowing where to start

"I waited you know!" I blurt out

"What?" Fred asks as i turn my head down to the ground and i start to play with a twig.

"I..I waited for so long Fred.... I thought you were going to ask me when you placed your arm around me in the common room last week... I thought you were going to ask me when we went to the kitchens the night before Snapes class in the study hall... I even thought-" I trail off as i sigh and stand up from the tree, turning away from him and looking out at the water "I even thought that you were going to ask me in the study hall during Snapes lesson, until i realized that you were pointing at Angelina a few people down from me... I thought.... I thought that you were going to ask me to the ball Fred, i thought that you liked me"

A tear falls from my face as i try to keep in my tears as i hear Fred stand up from sitting by the tree.

"I thought that you were already going with Draco." Fred says as he comes and stands in front of me.

"You what?! You thought that i would go to the yule ball with D-" I start to say.

Fred leans forward quickly and surprises me by kissing me.

After a minute i start to register what is happening and i kiss back, hungrily, until we pull away.

"I'm only kidding... i just didn't think that you liked me" Fred says

"Was that your way of shutting me up?" I ask, referring to the kiss

"So what if it was?2 Fred asks, boldly as he brings me closer to him in his arms

"I hope you realize that i am going to start ranting until you kiss me all the time now" I say

"And i wouldn't expect any different" Fred says pulling me in for a kiss again.

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