02 - It's Not Going To Work!

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The next day, the first class i had was with Snape.

Of all the classes to start the day with, i had Snape!

Sitting next to the twins was what was keeping me awake, even though my eyes were drooping slightly. I mean, it's not my fault! The twins made me stay up all night planning a way to sneak their names into the goblet of fire.

They had suggested that they get someone from the year above us to write their names on the paper and put it in, but i told them that i had seen Filch checking the papers before they went in, but they were determined to not give up, a whole 5 hours later, 1 am, they still had not thought of anything and finally let me go to bed.

Drifting off to sleep, the last thing i hear is one of the twins telling me that Snapes coming.

Not even five seconds later, i got wacked around the back of the head with a potions book.


As soon as we got let out of class, the twins dragged me to the room with the goblet of fire standing in the middle, i spotted Hermione and i sat down next to her.

"Do you know why they dragged me here?" I ask her

"No idea, probably to try and impress you with their spell they think is going to let them put their names in the goblet" Hermine said while nudging my arm, teasingly, making me blush.

"Oh, stop it! The twins are my best friends, nothing more" I state looking ahead

"That doesn't mean that you don't want one of them to be" She says making me laugh and blush as i hear the twins start talking.

"Well lads we've done it!" George says

"Cooked it up just this morning" Fred adds

"It's not going to wooork" Hemione sings as i smile next to her and she jabs my side again.

"Oh yeah?" Fred says

"And why's that Granger?" George asks and then Hermione explains that the age line was drawn by Dumbledore himself and that Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a pathetically dim witted aging potion.

"That's why its so brilliant, because its so pathetically dim witted" The twins retort as they get the potion ready to drink, before they can i say

"Just please.." Fred and George look at me "Be careful"

They both just smile and drink the potion.

After jumping past the age line, everyone cheers and they both look at me and they wink as i laugh. Maybe this will work after all.

But just as they are about to place their names in the cup, they get blown backwards out of the circle and grey, long beards and hair begin to grow on them.

"But you said?!" They shout at each other as they begin to fight on the ground, until Krum comes in and places his name in the goblet and as he walks away he looks at Hermione and she smiles at him as he walks off.

"Bloody Hell! Never mind my love life, what about yours? You and Krum?!" I say

"Oh shut it Y/N/N. It's not like that!" Hermione says to me as she begins to blush

"That blush on your cheeks and that look you shared with him didn't look like nothing to me" I say as i walk out of the room with her, trying to get answers.


At the end of the day, Hermione, Ron, Harry, Fred, George and i, sit down to watch as the names get picked from the goblet. Everyone begins to chat around us as i look at Fred.

"Don't be sad, Freddiekins, I'm sure that you will get your money for the shop some other way" I say

"Thanks Y/N/N" Fred says, sighing.

I look at him for a minute longer until i sigh and hug him around the waist and he hugs me back. I rest my head on his shoulder, until i am about to pull away and i look up to see Hermione smiling at me and wiggling her eyebrows.

The first person to be picked is Viktor Krum from Drumstrang Institute.

The second name to be picked is Fleur Delacour from Beaxbatons Academy.

And the last name is Cedric Digory from Hogwarts.

All of a sudden, another name flies out of the goblet.

"Harry Potter!"

No one clapped for Harry as he stood up and walked to the other winners.

"Aren't there meant to only be three winners" I whisper to George

"Yeah, Harry must have found a way to sneak his name in... and he didn't tell us how!" George whispers back as i roll my eyes.

"Common, let's go back to the dorms" I say, gathering my stuff and beginning to walk out of the room.

"Yes, Mum" Fred mutters again

"I swear to God Freddiekins!" I shout as I begin to chase after him again.


After running for about 15 minutes, i loose track of Fred and find myself next to the Hufflepuff common room, also next to the kitchens and i decide to go in for a snack.

I tickle the pear and enter.

About 100 eyes of the house elves turn to me and blink until i hear one shout

"It's Miss Y/N"

I laugh as the house elves all come and hug my legs and then step back as Dobby comes forward.

"Miss Y/N hasn't seen us since last year! Miss Y/N must come and visit more!" Dobby says to me

"Dobby, how many times do i have to tell you.. my name is Y/N not Miss Y/N, just plain old Y/N" I explain to him.

"No, Miss Y/N is not plain or old. Dobby thinks Y/N is special and kind. Especially after what she did for us" Dobby says

"Care to explain what you did for them?" Fred says coming out from behind a corner.

"You! I was looking all over for you! And not that its any of your business.. but i may have talked some sense into Hermione about the whole s.p.e.w thing, with the help of Harry and Ron, of cause" I answer him.

"Miss Y/N must sit down and Dobby will get Y/N and her friend a snack!" Dobby takes me to a seat and the other elves pull Fred along behind me and we both sit down, nearly on top of one another. 

"What would Miss Y/N like?" Dobby asks, sweetly

"Dobby, it's fin-" I start

"We'll take some chocolate please, oh if you could get the cherry one like in Honnydukes that would be amazing, and-" Fred says starts to say until i put my hand over his mouth "hagd svfh cbuibijcf?" He continues although well aware of my hand being over his mouth.

Before i could tell Dobby that it was fine and to not bring the chocolate, he had already turned up with a platter of cherry chocolate bars that smelled so sweet.

"Anything else Miss Y/N and her friend" Another house elf starts to ask.

"Yeah, I'll take a pump-" Fred tries to ask.

"NO!" I shout "I mean we are definitely full, but thank you Dobby, see you soon!" I say dragging Fred out the portrait and back into the hallway before he orders anymore unnecessary food items and drinks, but not before he grabs a handful of the cherry chocolate bars and stuffs his pockets.

When i shut the door completely and turn to look at Fred he starts to walk backwards slowly.

"Well... I'll just be going-" Fred says as he runs off again

"Fredddd!" I shout running after him.

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