11- One Sickle...Your On!

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"Remind me, again, why we are waiting here?" I ask the twins as we sit on a stool in the hog's head, Hogsmeade.

Suddenly the door opens and Hermione, Ron and Harry walk in.

"We need a teacher, a proper teacher.. one who's had real experience defending themselves from the dark arts" Hermione says

"Why?" Someone asks

"Why?! Cause you know who's back you tosh pot!" Ron says

"The point is.. where is the proof?" He asks

"If Potter could tell us more about how Digory got killed" Someone suggests

"I'm not gonna talk about Cedric, so if that's why your here, you might as well leave now" Harry says

"And you shouldn't have to" I add, standing up "What happened to him was awful, imagine if you witnessed that and then the whole school keeps talking about it and then a group of them decides to blame it on you and then the news spreads." Fred grabs my hand "Imagine having to live threw the while thing again, just to explain to a group of kids. It's not fair on him" I finish, siting close to Fred.

"Hermione lets go" Harry says

"Is it true that you can produce a Petronus charm?" Luna say, trying to get the attention back on track and i smile to her

"Yes, i've seen it" Hermione confirms

"Blimey Harry, i didn't know you could do that" Dean says

"And he killed a basilisk in Dumbledore's office, with a sword" Nevil adds

"It's true" Ginny says as well

"That's why we need your help" Hermione concludes as everyone gets up and writes there name down, ready to start learning


The next few days were spent looking for a place to practice, without Umbridge finding out. She had recently made a rule stating that all clubs were to be banned.

Having exerted all possibility's, Fred, George and i were laying about on the couches in the Gryffindor common room.

"I've looked everywhere!" I say, sighing

"I mean, we haven't look everywhere.." George says

"For the last time, i'm not letting you go down one of the un explored hallways that disappear and reappear somewhere else" I state

"You are no fun at all, Y/L/N!" George cry's like a kid

"No, i'm not letting you, i am not going to Graduate boyfriend less, never mind best friendless!" I say, sighing.

"He's done it!" Hermione says as she runs into the common room. George, Fred and i all sit up and look at her. " Neville's found the room of requirements!"


"It's brilliant.. It's like Hogwarts wants us to fight back" Harry says, as we stand looking into the room and everyone else walks in to form a line.

"Who wants to be the first one to try?" Harry asks us, as he points at a target.

"Nevil? He was the first person to find the room" Hermione says

Nevil steps up to the target and quickly says "Expeliarmus!" His wand gets thrown across the room.

"I think we all need more practice" I say as Fred and George nod


Over the next few days, we had more and more after hours secret practice lessons with Harry and i began to see us all improve.

Standing next to Fred and George, we were waiting for Ron to have a duel with Hermione.

"Come on, Ron!" We all shouted at him.

"One sickle" George whispers to Fred

"Your on!" Fred whispers back as i role my eyes

"Stupefy!" Hermione shouts before Ron could even say the words

"Thank you!" I say to George as he hands Fred the money

"Shut up!" George says angrily as me and Fred laugh.

"I let her do that.." Ron, reassures us "Completely... Intentional" He adds as i laugh, going over to congratulate Hermione.


After a while, it became inevitable that Umbridge would try to stop us. First by putting a rule about having to be questioned in force and then having Filch guard the entrance to the room of requirements, but luckily, the room made an exit for us, around the back, until finally we had no choice, but to do our worse.

"Come on!" I shout to the twins behind me as we watch Filch eat one of the chocolates we had had placed on his chair.

"What exactly are those again?" I ask them, as they watch with me, pocking our heads around the corner of the hall.

"Just something out of our skiving snack boxes" George says

"Look!" Fred whispers as we all laugh, seeing Filch begin to have big red boils all over his face.


On our last meeting before the break Harry told us how much we had all improved before we all began to leave.

"We've been thinking Harry"

"We could always sneak some puking pastels in to Umbridge's tea"

"Or fever fudge, they give you these massive puss filled balls, right on your-"

"Guys.. I think Harry wants to say goodbye to Cho.. alone" I say to the twins as i drag them away, laughing.


"Y/N! Wake up!" Hermione says as she shakes me awake

"What's going-" I try to say as i shrug on my robe

"No time to explain, something terrible has happened to Arthur Weasley!" She says as she pulls me out of the portrait door, down the corridor

"But that's-"

"The Weasley's Dad" Hermione says with a sorry expression on her face.

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