03 - I have a date!

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The next morning, Fred, George and Lee were already down at breakfast when i woke up. So i quickly got changed and then made my way down to breakfast.

"Morning!" I say, cheerfully, looking at George and Lee as i sat down next to Fred, not sparing him a glance.

"Morning" They both replied as i grab a piece of toast from the center of the table. Just as i was about to place the buttered slice in my mouth, Fred speaks up.

"Hello.. What about my Good morning?" Fred asks

"I'm surprised you are still hungry after eating so much last night" I say, not looking at him.

"Is that why you are mad at me?!" Fred asks "Dobby asked us, i just simply told him what i wanted, that's all!"

"What's going on?" Lee asks us both

"Nothing" Fred and i reply at the same time

"It's just that Fred felt the need to make Dobby go and get cherry chocolate especially for him, which i think is unfair on Dobby" I carry on.

"Well, cherry chocolate is the best.." George says

"Besides, it sounds like Dobby did ask..." Lee continues

"You guys are no help!" I shout, exasperated as i walk out the hall.

Fred, George and Lee quickly drop their toast.. i say they all dropped their toast, but Fred did go back and pick up an extra slice and followed me outside of the castle.

"Listen, I'm sorry-" Fred starts

"Wait! Listen" I tell the others as we begin to hear shouting

"Isn't that Hermione's voice?" I ask the others as i begin to walk into the forest, until i come to a stop watching the scene unfold.

"I'm not an owl!" Hermione shouts at Harry

I look at the twins and Lee as the argument seems to be getting worse and with silent eye contact, i help Ginny walk away with Hermione as the boys go and sit next to Harry by a tree.


Later in the day, I meet up with the boys as we begin to walk to our next class together.

"So?" I ask expectantly

"So, nothing.. Harry wouldn't tell us anything he just went off in a rush and said that Hagrid needed to see him or something" George explains

I sigh as i round the corner of the long hallway, coming to a stop as i see Harry walking through the hall and people laughing at him with 'Potter stinks' badges on. As Harry turns off to go through the courtyard i catch sight of Malfoy.

"MALFOY! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE NOW!" I shout and everyone looks at me as i charge my way towards Draco as he walks up to me.

"Well, well, well it's Y/N here to defend Potter again." Draco says

"For your information Malfoy I'm not here to 'defend' Harry I'm here to hex you!" I shout as i take out my wand and point it at him as he does the same to me. Just then the boys catch up to me.

"Y/N it's not worth it, come on!" George shouts as i continue to point my wand sat Malfoy, noticing his hand start to shake a bit.

i still don't put my wand down until Fred walks in front of me and whispers to me "Y/N/N you know it's not worth it, you're gonna get hurt. Common, lets go"

I drop my wand to my side and give Malfoy a glare one last time, as i bash shoulders with him as i follow the way Harry went.


Mr. Weasley ✔️ ||FredWxFReader Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now