19- Saint-like

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By the time Tonks and i arrive back at the Weasleys, we are later then everyone else.

Tonks jumps off her broom and runs and hug Lupin outside the borrow.

Suddenly, Fred and Arthur pop up next to us and Fred hugs me.

"Where's George?" I ask and Lupin looks at us sadly.

"No!" I say as i run into the house and i collapse next to George as he lies on the couch, a hole in his ear. "What happened?" I ask, tears in my eyes as Fred comes and sits next to me, hugging my side.

"He got hit by a curse quite badly" Molly explains and i gasp.

"How you feeling Georgie?" Fred asks him.

"Saint-like" George replies.

"Saint-like?" Fred says to him, confused as well.

"I'm holey, get it?" He says as he points to the hole where his ear should be.

"I get it" I say, laughing "You don't stop amazing me, even when you are wounded" I say to him and he laughs 

"The whole wide world of ill related humour and you go for, i'm holey?" Fred says and i laugh, sadly.

"Recon i'm still better looking then you" George says and i nod as Fred glares at me

"What, it's true" I say and he shakes his head.


"You'll never guess what i saw this earlier this morning" George says from outside mine and Ginny's room door.

"And what was that?" I ask, on the other side of the door.

"Harry and Ginny kissing" George says and i open the door, shocked.

"You can't be serious! It's about time!" I say as i look at George and raise an eyebrow, confused "What's up with you?" I ask

"Y..you look great" George says.

"Well you look ok yourself i say as i laugh at him in a suit and a bandage on the side of his head.

"Common, i'm sure Fred will faint at the sight of you" George says as he offers me his arm and i take it, walking down the stairs and outside the burrow, to see Fred and the others putting up the gazebo with magic.

"Wow" Fred says as he walks towards me with his suit on. "You look amazing!" he shouts as he looks me up and down.

"Why thank you" I say as i spin around and i look at the inside of the tent.

"It's a bit ironic isn't it?" I ask them "Having a wedding after the news of Moody's passing"

The twins nod and we all walk inside to help Molly with the food making.


"Come on, you've got to dance with me!" I shout to Fred as i pull him into the middle of the dancing circle at Bill and Fleurs wedding later that day.

"Alright, alright, i'll dance with you!" Fred says as he roles his eyes.

After a while, Fred and i find George and we all stand together, getting a drink.

All of a sudden, a ball of light crashes into the middle of the party and it starts speaking.

"The minister of Magic is dead" It says and everyone gasps "They are coming, they are coming" It repeats over and over again, until dementors crash through the tent of the wedding and everyone starts shouting.

"Common, we've got to go!" George says as he holds onto Fred and i's arms and Avaporates us to a cave.

"George no!" I shout, but it's too late "What about all those people back there, what about Bill and Fleur!?"

"I'm sure they're fine, love" Fred tries to reassure me

"But what if they're not?"

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