01 - I'm Going To Get You!

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I'm not going to sugar coat it, I don't like Malfoy.

Uhh! Even thinking about him makes me angry!

I don't know why he just won't leave Harry alone! He knows that I don't like how he treats Harry, so he likes to remind me that he is 'above me' even though I am 2 years older then him.

This year seams like it will be no different as I step onto the train and find him standing there with his hands on his hips looking at me up and down.

"Well, well, well.. Look who the cat dragged in, it's Y/N Y/L/N!" Draco taunts.

"Could you just shut it Malfoy, I have people to meet up with" I say, trying to get passed him.

"Unfortunately, no can do Y/L/N. You see its my job to make sure that Muggle borns, like you, know your place"

"And, let me guess, that's below you, right?" I say sarcastically

"Ah, she's finally learning" Malfoy says, moving closer to me.

"Listen here, Y/L/N. Just because you are friends with that potter and the Weasleys brothers, doesn't mean you are a pure blood"

"And you never let me forget it" I say lazily "Now, Malfoy, if you are finished I would like to sit down before the train starts"

"I'm watching you, Y/N!" Malfoy says as he begins to walk down the train to the Slytherin compartments

"Stalker!" I call after him.

Turning on my heels, I walk down the train until I smile, seeing my friends.

"Freddiekins! Gorgina!" I shout as I sit down next to Lee.

"Y/N/N! We told you not to call us that!" George complains.

"Speak for yourself George! I like it!" Fred says.

I role my eyes and laugh, turning to Lee.

"Don't think I forgot about you Lee, I know how the Quidditch World Championship went that the boys watched, but how was your summer?"

"It was OK, I mean I missed you guys a lot!" Lee answers

"Aww, hear that Fred. I think Lee has a little crush on us" George says

"Lee, we know that we are irresistible, but we just simply don't feel the same way" Fred says.

"Knock it off you two, Lee can like whoever he wants" I say, laughing.

By the time we reach the carriages, Fred and George have shown Lee and I most of their crazy candy ideas.

As the carriage starts to go forward I say "So let me get this straight... You think people are going to buy puking pastels for how much?!"

"5 galleons each!" Fred says.

"I don't think they willlll" Lee states

"I think you should sell them for a lower price at the start of the year-" I start to say

"Like 1 galleon?" Fred interrupts

"yes, and then sell them for more towards the end of the year, because of the Newt and Owl exams." I finish.

"Like 5 galleons?" George asks

"Yeah" I say

"Huh, I think that's a great idea! I knew we hung out with you for a reason!" Fred shouts as I whack his arm, lightly.

"Now we just have to come up with a way to stop the people from puking" George adds as Lee and I laugh.


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