{Josie meets academic decathlon}

Start from the beginning

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"Hey, this seat taken?"

"Pea Pod! For you, never.", Josie grins.

Peter sits in the seat next to Josie, "Who you texting?"

She quickly turns off her phone, "Uh- Family.", not entirely a lie.

"So, you came.", he says, trying to start a conversation.

"So did you.", she acknowledges. There's an awkward silence, "How does Tony Stark feel about you coming here?", she asks.

"Well, I haven't spoken to him about it personally,", lies, "but my supervisor actually encouraged me to participate in extra-curricular activities."


"Yeah, it was weird. He was especially trying to convince me to join the cheerleaders.", Peter laughs.

"The cheerleaders? Really? That's so weird. I was going to joining the cheerleaders. What an odd coincidence.". Coincidence? I think not. Something shifty is going on and Josie is going to find out what. "Don't get any ideas, Pea Pod, please don't join the cheer team."

"I'm actually quite good at gymnastics, you'd be surprised.", he smiles.

That dorky smile. He's so cute. No! Josie! Stop thinking that!

"You doing gymnastics? That, I have to see.", she giggles.

"No. No you don't. I'll stick to nerd stuff for now. Speaking of, I think we're starting now."

They both look up, as everyone else arrives, "Alright, as you can see, we have a new member of our team with us today. Josie, would you like to introduce yourself?", Mr Harrington gets everyone's attention.

Josie walks over to where everyone's gathered, "Hi, I'm Josie. I don't actually know what I'm supposed to do here, but I'm pumped for whatever it is."

"Okay, let's get started. Liz, do you want to ask the questions?"

Everyone got up and sat behind the tables on the stage, so Josie did too. She ended up sat next to Peter, "Good job we're on the same team, I won't have to destroy you.", she jokes.

"Oh, I don't think you could, Jos, I'm good at this stuff.", he tells her.

"We'll see, Parker. We will see."

"Okay, first question. Which atom has seventeen electrons?", asks Liz.

Josie buzzes quicker than Peter can, "Chlorine!", she answers.

"Correct.", Liz moves to the next card.

Josie gives Peter a smug grin, "Lucky guess.", he says.

"What is the work done on an object that's moved twelve metres with seventeen newtons of force?", Liz asks.

"Two hundred and four!", Peter yells.

"Peter, use your buzzer.", says Liz.

"Oh, uh, buzz.", he says, whilst pressing his buzzer, "Two hundred and four."


Josie laughs, "Someone's excited to beat me."

They go on like this, competing to answer the most questions right, until practice ends.

"Okay everyone, that's practice over for today.", Mr Harrington says, "Make sure you have your permission slips for the STEM trip next week signed and handed in. Josie, you still need a slip. I'll get you one right now."

They all get down from the stage and Josie walks over to Mr Harrington, "Field trip? Where to?"

"New York Hall of Science. It'll be fun.", he says.

"I really don't think I'll be allowed.", she tries to explain.

"If you want to be on the academic decathlon team, you're going to need to come on these trips."

"I feel like you want me on the team more than I want to be on the team.", she says.

"Just try, Josie. You were really good today, we could use you to help us win nationals."

"I'll try, I can't make any promises though."

By now, everyone else has left, so she grabs her bag and leaves. As she walks down the corridor, Peter calls after her, "Josie!"

"Pea Pod, you waited for me!", she grins, as he catches up to her.

"Course I did. You were really good in there!", he exclaims.

"Thanks, so were you.", she says.

"So, are you going on that field trip?", he asks.

"I don't think I'll be allowed."

"Just try, it'd be way more fun if you came.", he says.

"I'll try. Only for you, Pea Pod."

His Joy {Peter Parker X Stark's Daughter}Where stories live. Discover now