I lightly knock on Lydia's door and wait for her answer. I didn't realize I had been in the prisoner's area for so long. The stars were out and all the fires outside the caves were dampened.

" Where have you been?" Lydia's hisses pushing me into the door. She peeks out to see if anyone is around before locking the door. She had already started the fire for the night and Timothy was laying fast asleep. I don't know if I should tell her where I've been. She doesn't agree with me sneaking to see the prisoner

" I went back to visit the prisoner." She sighs grabbing her blanket for the evening.

" I don't see why you continue to visit that thing. I want to stay as far away from it and you should to. You know what the elders have said about them. They are cold blooded killers." I knew she was right to warn me away from visiting the prisoner, but it was like some kind of force pulled me towards him. Since the day I saw those eyes.

The hunters had went out to see if our traps had caught anything. We were running extremely low on food even with the small farms we've created. I remember the worry we had when they hadn't come back by their usual time. We wondered if they had been captured or if The Trinity  had found us finally. It wasn't until the dead of night that we were awoken by screams. The men came in dragging one of "them". They don't look like us. They have our physique but they have this aura to them.

The elders describe it as some sort of outer worldly presence. He was tall and pale. He was slender but lean. The muscles looked printed on him. His skin had no blemishes at all and he was practically hairless except for the white hair that graced his head. It was longer than the cut most men wore. It was such an unnatural and striking color, but nothing could compare to eyes. When I saw them it looked like he was only looking at me, just me. Like he was staring deep down into my soul. They were hypnotizing. I had to see them again. It was like an aching need I never knew I had.

"Do you think one day his people may come looking for him?" I mean it was plausible right? That keeping this prisoner was may be what leads to our demise. I'm sure my brother knows this which is why they try to get him to talk every night, but it doesn't seem like he'll every talk. It's been almost two months.

"No. Who cares about one little soldier." She said snuggling into his bed," I'm sure they think he's dead."


"Do you eat?"

I know it's a foolish question, but I hope one day this man would say at least one word. I am curious what his voice sounds like. Instead of answering, he just continues the cold stare.
I looked down at the plate of bread and deer meat I snuck earlier. Of course, it remained untouched.

I could hear the soft patter of the raindrops that leaked in from the cracks. It's been raining for the past two days.

" You must get lonely down here." No response.

I just need him to speak to me. He probably thinks my brother has sent me down to get information, but I have my own agenda.

" Where do you take our people?" No one knew where our people disappeared to when The Trinity take them. Just that they are lost forever; never to return. " My mother was taken away when I was just a baby. I don't even remember how she looks. I just want to know if there's a possibility that she's alive out there?" He appeared so lifeless. How could someone sit so still and silence for so long. Suddenly a dirty and calloused hand gripped it's self around the strands of hair at the top of the prisoner's head. If it was a painful, he showed no signs of pain or resistance. Griffin was never the nicest person. Jaxson says that's just his nature, that he just has a tough outer shell and I just need to get to know the 'real' him. I have already seen enough of him to know he has as little emotions as the alien sitting before me. 

" It's no use Cora, this thing doesn't have a soul or any feelings." Griffin squats down until he's eye level with him, challenging him. Silver against green. " See, this thing won't say or do anything." 

His grip was strong and I can tell he was trying his best to pull the hair from the root.

" Then stop this. Let him go." Griffin laughs.

" Ah, my innocent Cora. I can't let him go now he knows too much." He grabs his switch blade out of his pocket and pointing it as close to his skin as he can.

" Griffin, stop it." I warned.

" Don't worry. Their un-killable" He slicks up his neck and to his face. He was so close to those beautiful eyes before I rushed and grabbed his hand. Griffin raised an eyebrow at me then look back at his poor victim. I quaint sizzling sound began as the blue line tracing down the prisoners' face began to disappear. " It's sickening." he mumbled under his breath before yanking his arm out of my grasp, "- and it's even more sickening that you try to defend this creature instead of comforting me."

"Comforting you?" I asked eyes glazed in confusion. 

He chuckles gently stroking my cheeks. His hands were rough and did little to sooth me. That look he always gives me never seems to have any effect on me. I can see he the warmth in his cheeks beginning to glow as red as his hair. I look down towards his armor clad chest instead of staring, but he doesn't seem to mind. He slowly glides his hands into my tresses stroking them. I hated when he did that. No matter how many times I tell him it hurts. He still tugs his hair through my coils. 

" Did you get  forget me so soon. I've been away for a couple weeks now. I had to watch ever other soldier come home to the open arms of their women while I searched an found you feeding our prisoner." He made sure the the word prisoner came out harder than the gentle words before. He was upset but when was he not." I lost a good bit of men out there. I could have been killed or taken." I dipped my head down submissively afraid that he would get angry with me. He had never used his wrath on me, but I had seen him use it on other's before.

" I'm sorry. I didn't know you would be arriving today." It was a lie. Some of my brother's trusted men are sent to the borders in rotations to secure and protect our perimeter. The always arrived back at the same time. It was important more than ever now that we hold one of them hostage. They could attack us any minute. I just didn't want to be the one to welcome him home. Publicly welcoming him would let everyone know I was his and I am not.

" All is forgiven." He grabs my chin tilting it upwards, " If you give me a kiss." I froze. I turned towards our prisoner and there he was watching like always. Griffin slowly pulled my face back to him. I gulped and mustered up all my courage to give him a peck on the cheek. I did not want to kiss him. 

He laughed pulling me closer until I was smashed tight to his body. I squirmed until he loosened his grip.

" I will have you soon to myself and you will experience more than just a simple kiss on the cheek." His eyes glimmered which made me shiver. Then suddenly his eyes darkened." But do not take my affection for you as a sign to do what ever you please. I serve your brother and he has made it quite clear no one is to be in here. Stop visiting this prisoner. I don't want anyone labeling my woman a traitor."

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