Chapter Twenty-Three: The Calvary Battle

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Burukku's POV:

I was suddenly glad that I hadn't placed first in the obstacle course, ten million points would make you an immediate target for everyone and I knew that would make it almost impossible to move on to the next round. With that in mind I was looking around at all the students whilst Midnight was explaining the next round trying to think of who would be good to pair up with. Loads of students were flocking to the people in the top five (Midoriya excluded) meaning I had quite a number of students trying to convince me to be on their team but I already had an idea of who I wanted and was quick to move my way through the group.

Call it what you want because even I think I'm going crazy as I walked up to Midoriya. His back was too my as he was frantically looking around trying to find someone to be on his team causing me to place my hand on his back to get his attention. He jumped and whipped around when he felt my hand and seemed shocked that I was there. "Burukku? Is there something you need?" he asked causing me to sigh, "Midoriya," I started, "I would like to be on your team; please trust me to be an aid to you." I said whilst bowing causing him to slightly freak and quickly agree. Within the next few moments, we also had Uraraka come and join us and Midoriya was quick to snatch Tokoyami for our team causing our team to be full.

I had a plan that I was kinda keeping to myself encase of emergencies but was able to convince my team that I needed to be the rider (though Uraraka argued that it should be Midoriya); inevitably though the boys agreed and I was made the rider and a few short minutes later this round of the festival began.

As Midnight declared go chaos began as teams all tried to move at us all at once however someone changed the ground into sand or mud or something causing most teams to be stuck in the ground. At basically the same time a huge shock of electricity filled most of the arena followed by a wave of ice; though the ice caught us the electricity did not and I was quick to melt it and direct the others where to go. As we passed teams that were frozen, I used some of the water from the ice to grab their headbands and bring them to me. Once I had them, I quickly mixed the ten-million-point headband into them so nobody would know where it was; just an extra form of protection for it.

As time was counting down, I was only slightly surprised by the lack of teams going after us. I knew that the Bakugo team wasn't frozen so I was really shocked to see them going after a team with 1B students on it but figured I wouldn't need to question it too much; the longer they stayed away from us the better.

I could hear Mic make an announcement about us being able to keep the ten-million-point headband for so long when I felt it. It was like a vibration that was getting stronger and stronger by the second and I knew that my emergency plan was about to be needed. I could tell that the others didn't feel it and I could hear Tokoyami saying something about Dark shadow potentially being injured if he got hit with the electricity causing me to act. "Uraraka!" I called causing the girl to look at me, "Something is coming, time for the emergency plan. I need you to make everyone as light as you can and I need you all to grab on tight!" I ordered causing them all to follow my orders although confused. I could feel them all looking at me though I just looked ahead where I had pinpointed the vibrations coming from, Iida. Being that I was looking forward I missed their looks of awe at my serious and leadership look I held causing them to realize I knew I what I was doing.

As the Todoroki team burst forward at us time almost seemed to slow for me; I created wings larger than I had ever had before and right before they reached us, I took flight causing the others to hold onto my tighter. When we were in the air time seemed to return to normal and everyone realized what had happened. "Did anyone see that?!" Mic all but screamed, "Burukku is currently carrying her entire team! How did she do that so fast?!" he continued asking Aizawa.

That question reminded me of training I had done with my birth parents to improve my reaction time but was quick to shake it off as I kept my team in the air and inside the boundary area. I could hear Midoriya yelling causing me to slightly chuckle, "Welcome to something I was training quite a bit!" I called to them, "I'm sorry if you're afraid of heights!" I called again causing them all to look at me. I didn't even realize I was smiling but they sure did and it caused them to smile as well. "How long can you keep us like this?" Midoriya called, "I can't go much higher because as the air thins there's less water, I can pull from it which will make my wings less stable. As long as Uraraka can hold on I can keep us up here for the rest of the time, I think we only have a minute left anyways." I said and I could feel different forms of acknowledgement.

Seeing as we were out of reach both the Todoroki and Bakugo team started going after each other whilst Bakugo was still screaming how he wanted to go after us but his team was telling him how we were out of reach. Neither of them was able to get the others points by the time the time had run out causing the Todoroki team to be in second and the Bakugo team to be in third whilst we were in first. I landed us gracefully and got off everyone's shoulders only to be immediately tackled into a hug by Midoriya and Uraraka who were so excited to be moving on to the next round causing me to laugh. When I was freed from the hug, I was quick to suggest we all go for lunch knowing I needed to grab a drink and we all started off towards the cafeteria... well we were until Todoroki grabbed Midoriya and left with him. I wonder what he needed.

Hey guys! I'm sorry for the delay on updating! I started writing this chapter the other day and then got called into work so I didn't have time to finish it, it's the same thing with my other story (I have a chapter mostly done but because I keep getting called in I don't have the time to finish it). I'm truly sorry for all of the delays and I hope you all can forgive me!

I want to remind you all that I love you all so much and if you ever need someone to talk too I'm always here and willing to listen and that each and every one of you has someone in their corner, even if it is just me. Remember that I love you all and support you no matter what! I'll always be in your corner and I'm cheering you all on! Be strong, you can do and make it through anything!

Thank you all for reading and just remember that I love you all!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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