Chapter Twelve: No Matter What (Part One)

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Burukku's POV:

After the craziness that occurred yesterday, Aizawa told me that the school wasn't planning on taking any chances and they were going to be sending extra heroes with us to try and add extra protection. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts, they haven't been able to figure out who the man was who broke into the school and have been having an even harder time trying to figure out what it was that he had actually taken. It frustrated me to no end but ultimately, he only took one paper and who knows how many were actually in that cabinet. I tried not to focus on it when class started the next day and through all of our normal classes I was able to focus and answer the questions the same as normal. It was only when Aizawa brought up the fact that we were going to have three instructors for our training did I remember yesterday and caused my guards to go up again.

Rescue was something I felt very confident in considering all the uses I had with my quirk; I tried to keep focused on that whilst I changed and made my way to the bus. The ride over to the USJ was definitely interesting to say the least, Bakugo kept threatening students and several students started talking about quirks and whose would be better for heroes. I actually made a comment on this saying that the quirk didn't matter all that much, it was how one used it and if they truly had the heroic soul and intentions that would make them the best of heroes; my comment seemed to go over well with most of the class but when one of the boys went to ask me about my quirk I simply turned my attention out the window ignoring the conversation.

Thirteen hasn't changed a bit since the last time I've seen them, I gave them a nod in greeting knowing that I was supposed to keep my connection to the heroes a secret for now which they returned before addressing the class. I will never get used to walking into the USJ, it takes my breath away every time. I was marveling at the interior as Thirteen made their speech, not giving much attention to what the hero was saying I was wandering around so I could see the different areas better catching the attention of several of my classmates and our teacher.

Third Person's POV:

They all shook their heads at the clear lack of attention of the girl and were still watching when Thirteen finished their speech and Aizawa went to have a quick word with them. They were watching the girl who had a small smile on her face until it dropped suddenly and her head snapped towards the center of the arena and she suddenly moved into an attack form before shouting, "We've got company!" catching the two heroes' attention who looked towards the girl then towards where she was looking. Everyone was confused due to there being nothing being there until suddenly a black mist like portal opened causing several villains to start emerging from it. Most of the students didn't understand how she was able to know exactly where they were going to be and turned to look at her only to be met with her stone-cold glare that was aimed at the emerging villains. "Aizawa!" she called over the students talking causing him to look over at her; though he looked over at her, she did not make any move to look over at him before she spoke, "They're spreading out and covering almost all the areas, though the most powerful feel to be in the middle." Aizawa nodded at her words before placing his goggles over his eyes and making a move to advance; he would have gone into battle had a water wall not stopped him. He whipped around to look at the young girl only to find her looking at him for the first time, "The one down there, in the middle with the blue hair, he was at the break in. be careful around him Eraserhead." She informed before dropping the wall. He nodded and again was about to move when he suddenly stopped and turned back, "Burukku, you have my permission to do whatever it takes to protect your classmates." And with that he leapt into battle.

Burukku's POV:

I watched him leap off the stairs before quickly turning back to the class, "We need to get out of here; Thirteen start the evacuation process, I'll cover you guys from behind." I barked out causing the space hero to nod and start trying to move the students towards the door. "Oi! Why the fuck should we listen to you?!" Bakugo roared at me causing me to become irritated immediately. I turned to him and wrapped his entire body in water preventing him from both moving or using his quirk before I spoke, "Listen here Bakugo, this is not the time to question anything. Mr. Aizawa gave me permission to use my quirk and gave me orders to protect you all, no he is not looking down on you, he just knows I can handle it. Therefore, get you ass moving before I do it for you!" I roared before releasing him from the water and turning back sending the water down the stairs at a few of the villains who were able to slip by Aizawa and were making their way up. I could feel that most of the class was shocked but I couldn't tell what it was for; weather it was for the fact I was willing to stand up to Bakugo like that or the fact that I knew where the villains were.

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