Chapter Eighteen: This Would Be Devastating To Her (Part One)

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Burukku's POV:

I hadn't said a word since Monoma left, I spent most of the morning classes just thinking and when called on to answer I either wrote it out or used my quirk to show the answer. It hurt having someone say to your face that they didn't feel your life mattered or that your sacrifice meant nothing, especially when I was willing to give up so much. I was in my thoughts so much that I didn't realize the stares I was getting from not only the teachers but also my fellow classmates. When the bell rung, I made no move to get up, instead I grabbed my water bottle and took a large drink from it before closing it and placing it back in my bag. I had hoped that this would give my classmates some time to leave before I had to get up but much to my displeasure most of them were still there waiting for me. With a sigh I stood up which prompted most of the remaining people to begin approaching me.

I halted their approach by simply holding up my hand and quickly made my exit from the room; I just wanted to be alone so instead of going to the cafeteria I deviated from my normal route and made my way to the roof. As I opened the door, I was happy to see that there was nobody here. I made my way closer to the edge and took off my jacket to sit on. Once comfortable I pulled out some soup, I had made this morning and began to eat whilst letting my thoughts wander back to the ones from the morning.

*~In The Teachers Lounge~*

Third Persons POV:

Most of the teachers were surprised to see Aizawa looking more... disgruntled then normal. It was an unusual sight to see the normally expressionless male look so upset about something and most of the teachers felt that they should leave him to calm down. Well, Mic wasn't most people and having had English with class A already he had seen the way Burukku was acting and could help but feel the two were connected. With this in mind he made his way over to the angered male and sat down beside him, "What happened? Everything was fine when you got here but something changed, so what is it?" he asked in an unusually calm and quiet voice. Aizawa turned and looked at him but as he did so Vlad King entered the room causing Aizawa to adopt an even more upset look; "Your student came by today." He said catching the attention of the B class teacher, "How did it go?" he asked him in return which caused Aizawa to ball his fists on his lap. "Today was Burukku's first day back at school." He responded which caused Vlad to stop what he was doing and look at Aizawa with an almost horrified expression.

"What happened with one of his students?" Mic found himself asking before he could stop himself yet the two males didn't look away from each other. "Aizawa," Vlad started when he was finally able to speak again, "I had told my students that they were to respect her and that they could learn quite a lot from her in what it means to be a hero. I told them that they were not to speak poorly about her in any way, he did and he was supposed to apologize to you to realize what he did was wrong; I knew you would have some things to tell him that would hopefully teach him to be better. I had no idea she would be back today or else I would have told him to do it at lunch." He finished, through his explanation more and more teachers started listening trying to figure out what was happening. "Can someone explain what happened?" Midnight finally asked for most of the individuals present. With a sigh Vlad explained what had happened the other day and what Monoma had said and once he was finished Aizawa explained what had happened that morning with the apology.

Upon hearing and processing what had been told to them the teachers were furious and the behaviour of a certain water manipulating girl made so much sense. "So that's why the little listener was so quiet today..." Mic trailed off, "She must be questioning everything right now, especially if another hero student were to say that to them." Mic thought out loud causing several people to agree. "She's been through so much already and all she's ever wanted to be is a hero even with how her parents were; this would be devastating to her." Midnight said. Everyone was silent as they let that though sink in; before anyone could say anything, else there was a knock at the door prompting Cementoss, who was the closest to the door, to stand and move to open it. Upon opening it he found a few of Aizawa's students standing there and welcomed them into the room.

Momo, Iida, Kirishima, Midoriya and Ochako walked into the room and immediately the eyes of all heroes/teachers were on them. Clearing his throat Iida spoke, "Excuse us, we just came by to say that we're worried about Burukku. When lunch started, she took off and nobody has been able to find her." He said clearly though hints of concern flooded his sentence. The teachers looked between themselves before they stood and began leaving the room, "Thank you for bringing this to our attention." Aizawa said as he passed his students. As Mic approached them, he spoke before also leaving the room, "We will find her, please go and eat something."

Though they were concerned about their friend and wanted to find her more then anything they knew they needed to trust the adults and so they did as they were told and went to the cafeteria.

Hey guys! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Let's all hope 2021 is way better then 2020! I hope you enjoy this chapter and are enjoying this book so far, I'm having so much fun writing it! I'm sorry that this is a shorter chapter but I wanted to post a chapter first thing in the new year (well, new year for me, time zones are weird) so it will be a split chapter, I hope that doesn't bother anyone.

I would like to remind you all that no matter what I am here for you all and that I am always up to talk to anyone and everyone who needs it! Remember that I love you all and support you no matter what! I'll always be in your corner and I'm cheering you all on! Be strong, you can do and make it through anything!

Thank you all for reading and just remember that I love you all!


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