Chapter Thirteen: No Matter What (Part Two)

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Burukku's POV:

As I screamed, I could feel all the water from the area around me rush towards me in an instant. I could tell my eyes were glowing but that was the least of my concerns, it was very clear that I was using my quirk meaning my eyes glowing wouldn't be anyone's main focus. As the water surrounded me, I took on my water warrior form allowing myself to be lifted over twenty feet in the air as the water took its shape (think Avatar: The Last Airbender where he has the water spirit take over him but looking more like a person). When fully formed, my warrior stood closer to thirty feet tall and was slightly glowing, this very clearly showed the power I possessed. In an instant I swiped my arm where the villains stood, throwing them across the open area; while they were falling, I reached down and grabbed the three I had come with before turning and grabbing dad and moved them about halfway up the stairs. "Take care of him and get out of here!" my voice both echoed and boomed prompting them to move, it was clear that I wasn't going to change my mind on this and they knew they couldn't do anything to even try too. Besides, if they tried to step in, they knew that they would be getting in the way considering I was very clearly in a protective mood. At the same time, I moved my enlarged water hand back to dad and placed two fingers on his chest to start healing him. Then extended my arm, pulling water from my legs, and reached up placing another two fingers onto Thirteen also starting to heal them.

I suddenly turned back to see the creature that had attacked dad was trying to attack my "leg"; this caused me to become a little angrier and I immediately reached down, picked it up, and whipped it into the ground causing a fairly large creator to form. I could see that the mist had brought the leader back but in that second, I wasn't focused on that; I was more focused on the fact that I could feel my classmates coming towards the center where we are and I knew I had to make a decision quickly. In an instant, I pulled all the water from the ground and used it to create thick water walls hoping to prevent anyone from getting in or out. As the walls rose, I could see some of my classmates almost there though they paused when they saw me; that pause was enough for me to finish the walls.

I could see the creature had been able to, quite literally, pull himself back together and was now trying to break his way out of the walls causing me to punch it straight into the ground. In that moment I could feel something touching my "leg" again causing me to look back; the main villain was touching me with a crazed look in his eyes. I started to chuckle which seemed to throw him off and stood to my full height, "You seem to not know much about water so let me give you a lesson." My voice boomed again, "Water is a healing element which means you cannot decay or disintegrate it." I said before moving to kick him causing the mist like warp to quickly portal him away from me. In that instant, the doors behind us blew open and All Might stepped in. "You're late." I boomed though he did not flinch, "Burukku," he started, "I have this, stand down." He ordered causing me to immediately drop the water walls and allow my warrior form to melt away allowing All Might to start fighting. Once the walls were fully down my classmates quickly took that opportunity to jump in and also try and fight; Bakugo was able to expose the warp user's weakness which would be able to help greatly in this fight. That being said, it didn't go over well with the main villain who quickly sent the creature after him. I knew exactly what was going to happen: All Might would push Bakugo out of the way but would take the hit in return and I didn't know what that would mean for him. Therefore, in a very me style, right after All Might had pushed Bakugo out of the way I used the water I had returned to the ground to help surge me forward, thus taking the hit for him.

Third Person's POV:

The students who had come to help were startled to see that Bakugo had supposedly dodged only to see that All Might had gotten him out of the way. They were even more surprised to see All Might standing perfectly unharmed, almost as if he hadn't even been touched. They looked over to where Burukku had been standing mere moments before only to see she wasn't there causing them to look around in confusion. "Burukku..." they suddenly heard All Might say in a soft voice, one that sounded like it was in pain and looked over at him. They followed his line of sight only to see the previously mentioned girl laying unmoving on the ground several feet away causing most of them to gasp or at least go wide eyed, her actions suddenly becoming very clear. All Might's expression suddenly became darker as he realized how heroic his student truly is and he would not let her sacrifice be in vain.

All Might began to fight the Nomu whilst the boys made their way to the, still, unmoving girl hoping to be able to protect her from the incoming debris of the close by fight. The boys had surrounded her, a certain redhead moving the girl so her head was resting on his lap and she was laying on her back whilst the others stood on either side preparing to fight off anything to protect her. Something none of them were expecting however was for the nomu to suddenly come out of a warp portal and dig its fingers into his side causing him to call out in pain. The boys were startled and frozen as they watched the number one hero suddenly get injured, they were so distracted that they didn't even notice the girl amongst them starting to wake up and move.

"You..." they suddenly heard causing them all the look at Burukku in a startle, "will not..." they watched her cough out, Kirishima was quick to try and get her to stop talking worrying that it was going to make her worse. "hurt mY FRIENDS!" she suddenly yelled catching the villain's attention as the water from all around them suddenly began to rise and rage around them. As the water raised and moved towards them it suddenly rushed towards the clearly injured girl, wrapping around her and creating her warrior form again; this time however, it was bigger, so much so that it pulled all the water from the ground causing it to crack, the fountain causing it to be completely dry, and the lack that was close by to form itself. It stood closer to fifty feet tall and had far more muscle then her last one did, and by the look on both the warriors and Burukku's faces, neither was happy. She quickly reached down picking up both the nomu and All Might and separate them, slamming the creature into the ground whilst placing All Might back with the boys and touching his chest quickly to start healing him. She turned back and grabbed one of its legs and whipped it towards the rocks and moved after it picking it up before it had even a second to recover; once in her grasp again she threw it into the air and, as it fell, threw an upper cut hitting it square in the abdomen and sending it flying through the roof before she whipped back towards the villains and started moving towards them. Before she could do anything however, the rest of the teachers arrived and after getting shot a few times the two main villains fled.

With them gone Burukku turned her attention to something else and knelt to the ground placing the giant warrior's hands to the ground and sending the water rushing through the ground. All around the USJ students were suddenly surprised to see water sprouting out of the ground and taking out all the villains left in their areas. Once that was done, the water lifted them and started taking them away causing them to start coming back; once the villains were all in the middle though the water rushed back to the students, picked them up and rushed them to entrance of the building. On their way there they could see what Burukku was doing and were amazed having no idea that one of their classmates was this strong.

Back with Burukku and the others nobody was really sure wat to do, they didn't know how to approach her to get her to stop when she very clearly was taking care of the whole situation for them. When Present Mic came though, he approached her quickly and started to reassure her that everything was okay and that everyone was safe now and after a few moments those around could clearly see her quirk dissipating. When the only visible sign of her quirk in use was her glowing blue eyes mic got closer to her to try and calm her down again only for her to collapse into his arms, eyes still glowing.

Hey guys! I really hope you're enjoying this story so far; thank you to everyone who has been reading my stories, it really means everything to me and there is no way for me to properly express that so I can only say thank you. I hope you are enjoying so far and please feel free to comment ideas or what you think of different things! I do read them all and respond to most of them, I promise that I'm not a mean person!

I would like to remind you all that no matter what I am here for you all and that I am always up to talk to anyone and everyone who needs it! Remember that I love you all and support you no matter what! I'll always be in your corner and I'm cheering you all on! Be strong, you can do and make it through anything!

Thank you all for reading and just remember that I love you all!


Waterworks (BNHA x OP Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon