Chapter Twenty-One: Reliving It Isn't Any Easier (Part Two)

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Third Person's POV:

The ride to the USJ was painfully slow for Hizashi and Aizawa; both were painfully worried about the young girl who was very likely to be reliving the trauma of the that day. Aizawa was more worried about the fact that it could feel real for her and that could leave her even more traumatized than she already was. When they arrived, Mic hadn't even stopped the car before Aizawa was throwing open the door and basically falling out of it trying to get into the building. He threw the doors open almost everyone to look over at him in confusion but he paid no attention to that; instead, he quickly used his capture weapon to fly down the stairs and towards his daughter. He got to her and was about to fire up his quirk when one of the police officers called out to stop him; "What are you doing?! We need the information from this area!" he yelled causing Aizawa to glare at him, "She is a child! Did you ever think to ask her what the effects of doing this for too long are?!" Aizawa yelled causing everyone in the room to freeze.

Aizawa looked into the eyes of his daughter and could see the befuddled look in them but before he could use his quirk to force her to stop, he realized that the water from the fountain and lake behind them was starting to rage. The heroes and police saw and started yelling for her to stop causing Aizawa to yell back that she didn't realize what was happening and without another thought he activated his quirk causing the glow to leave Burukku's eyes and the water to calm. When the glow was fully gone, she collapsed into Aizawa's arms who didn't think twice about picking her up and walking towards the exit. "Wait! Stop!" the officer from earlier called causing Aizawa to pause and look back at him, "She needs too finish!" he yelled again causing anger to fill Aizawa's eyes. By this point Mic had finally made it down to them and Aizawa handed Burukku to him causing a few memories to flash through his eyes which he shook off quickly and took her.

Once he was sure Mic had a good grip on her he turned back to the group, anger clear on his face, "She is a child who, though she has amazing control, does not have the highest amount of stamina when it comes to using it for a prolonged period of time! I'm sure you all know that the stronger the quirk the worse the side effects, well in this instance reality was blurring meaning she was getting ready to fight to try and protect people who weren't even here! On top of that she is still recovering from the attack! I get that she's the only one you know of who can help you but for once, think about the person who has to live after you're done with them." And with that he turned back to Mic and started walking towards the exit with Mic beside him.

They arrived at Aizawa's home and were able to get Burukku into her room without waking her which was a great relief for Aizawa who was quick to grab a few bottles of water and put them on her bedside table before going and joining Mic in the living room. "How is she?" he asked as Aizawa sat down, "Still not awake but I think that's a good thing in this situation." Aizawa said as he sunk into the cushions. Both men sat quietly in the room for several minutes, neither wanting nor knowing what to say. A knock finally interrupted the silence and Hizashi stood to answer it; a few moments passed before Hizashi came back into the room with Nemuri who had a concerned look on her face. "How is she?" she asked only to receive the same answer Hizashi had received before. She sat with them as the silence returned, "Why would Nezu ask her to do this knowing today was her first day back?" Nemuri asked breaking the silence and prompting the males to look over at her. Aizawa let out a sigh before he responded, "Apparently, she is the only person around who could help in the way they needed." He said before standing and continuing, "Even still, it wasn't like it couldn't wait a few days for her to get stronger." He said angerly and started to pace in front of the couch.

For the next few minutes, the three of them were talking about what had happened with varying degrees of passion, they were so into the conversation they completely missed the exhausted girl entering the room and walking into the kitchen to grab another bottle of water. In fact, they only realized she was there when she was walking back through the room to head back towards her room. "Burukku..." Aizawa said catching her attention, "Hey dad, I'm okay. Thank you for being there, you too uncle 'Zashi. I'm still really tired so I think I'm just going to go back to bed for now, I'll see you guys tomorrow." And with that she left back to her room. The adults remained silent for the next minutes before Aizawa walked out of the room and towards his daughters; "Burukku?" he called as he knocked on her door but upon receiving no answer, he opened it and smiled softly at the sight. She was laying on her bed, empty glass on the floor, looking like she had barely made it into the room and snoring softly. Aizawa walked over to her and shifted her so she was comfortably on the bed and under the blankets and was quick to clean up the bottles and grab the glass before he left the room. As he walked back into the living room, he looked at the others with a small smile, "I think she is going to be just fine."

Hey guys! This one's a little shorter, I hope you don't mind! I hope you're all are staying safe with everything that's going on out in the world! I hope you're all eating properly and drinking enough water whilst also making sure you're protected! Remember that you all mean so much to me and that I love you all!

I would like to remind you all that no matter what I am here for you all and that I am always up to talk to anyone and everyone who needs it! Remember that I love you all and support you no matter what! I'll always be in your corner and I'm cheering you all on! Be strong, you can do and make it through anything!

Thank you all for reading and just remember that I love you all!


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