Chapter Fifteen: First Day Back

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Third Person's POV:

Monday came around faster then anyone would have liked and in class 1A the students were talking about their experiences from their last class. Most of the students were dancing around the fact that there was an empty seat in the room and what that might mean until once of the students, who had arrived later then the others, brought it up without realizing how sensitive the topic was. "Can you believe how powerful Burukku was back there? I mean, she took down the main villains and was able to take out the villains from all the areas without being in them! That's amazing!" Kaminari exclaimed causing the room to fall deadly silent causing the boy to become confused before he looked around. It was when he looked around that he realized the empty seat and his eyes widened, "Wait! Where is-" before he could finish his question, the door opened and their homeroom teacher walked in with less bandages then anyone was expecting. "Mr. Aizawa! I'm glad you're alright!" Tsuyu said which caused mutters around the room about how she thought that was okay; Aizawa responded with a very typical Aizawa response, "My wellbeing is irrelevant." Which caused several students to disagree mentally.

Aizawa spent the next few minutes explaining to the students about the upcoming sports festival and how it would be a good idea for them to hold it while barely letting his students speak. When he finally had finished, he was hoping he would be able to nap to get away from the questions the students were bound to have about Burukku; unfortunately, luck didn't seem to be on his side. "Mr. Aizawa?" Midoriya asked causing the tired to look at the green haired boy, "How are you not more injured? Not that I'm not grateful you aren't! I'm just curious is all!" he all but exclaimed catching the attention of the rest of the room causing him to sigh, "Burukku healed me." He responded simply hoping that they would leave it at that but he should have known better with them being his students. "Mr. Aizawa?" Tsu asked this time causing him to look over at her, "At the USJ, Burukku screamed to 'Let go of my dad'... was she referring to you?" she asked causing several students to go wide eyed. Aizawa stayed silent with his head down for a long while at her question and when he finally raised it to answer the class was startled to see that the hero had tears in his eyes, "Burukku is my adopted daughter, yes." He said causing a few gasps to be heard around the room; in that moment it became clear in the students minds that Burukku had almost watched her father die as well as her friends and that caused most of them to feel sorrow for her. Aizawa spoke again catching the student's attention again, "That was the first time she had referred to me as her dad too..." he trailed off as memories flashed through his eyes. A few of the girls had tears rolling down her face as they realized how horrible that moment was for the two of them and they hadn't realized at the time. "Mr. Aizawa?" Iida asked carefully drawing the teacher's attention to the class representative, "What happened to her? Where is she?" he asked causing everyone to look at their teacher to see his response. Aizawa let out a very audible sigh before he answered, "She overused her quirk to the point of severe dehydration; her quirk is quite unique, she can pull the water from the environment and manipulate it. That being said, one of her main side affects is if she over does it, she can become dehydrated. As you all saw, she created two water warriors in order to fight, what most of you didn't see or realize was that she was also healing Thirteen, myself, and All Might at the same time and using the water left in the ground to help you all. When she released that form the second time, she collapsed out of exhaustion but she didn't stop using her quirk." Aizawa explained causing some of the students to gasp at different parts, but Aizawa wasn't finished. "When she collapsed, she was still healing the three of us which caused her to subconsciously continue to heal us. By doing so," he started while he stood and walked over to look out the window, "she was still using the water from the environment, until she was removed from it. Once she was in the ambulance, she began to pull the water from her body to continue healing us causing her to become even more dehydrated. The doctors couldn't get her to stop and no matter how many fluids they gave her she wasn't retaining any of them; it was almost like her entire purpose became to heal us. She fell into a coma shortly after...." Aizawa trailed off and the crying in the room became even more noticeable; Momo was all but sobbing as she though of her best friend laying in the hospital in a coma.

"Once I was awake, I was able to use my quirk to make her stop using hers but that caused the dehydration to set in; she's still in a coma and the doctors don't know when she will wake up." Aizawa said and though he wasn't looking at the students they could tell he was crying. No one spoke, all silently crying about the missing student; the bell rang signalling it was time for the student's English class. As Mic walked in, they could see it in his face and by his lack of enthusiasm that all of the teachers were taking this extremely hard. Everyone remained quiet, there was no yelling, no fighting, nothing... class 1A just seemed to be drained.

*~Earlier with class 1B~*

"Can you believe that class 1A is already taking all the attention onto themselves?! It's ridiculous!" Monoma all but exclaimed causing several students to look over at him, "I mean, if they're going to pull all the attention the least they should do is make sure all of them actually make it out. I heard that they weren't even that strong of villains and yet one of them still ends up in the hospital? Talk about weak!" he continued but was suddenly cut off by Vlad King slamming a book onto his desk catching the attention of everyone in the room instantly. He had just finished explaining the sports festival to them and was explaining how he hoped that they would show class 1A up when Monoma started talking. "Now you all listen here and listen well, Burukku is one of the most heroic people I have ever had the pleasure of getting to know. She is in the hospital because she was willing to give up her life to save everyone else in that building. She is currently in a coma because she was willing to do what was best for the world instead of what was best for herself. None of you, and I mean none of you, are to say anything bad about her; she is the perfect example of what a hero should be and she is only a student, you all could learn a thing or two from her. If I hear any of you speaking ill of her then you will have to answer to me, she is the only student of class 1A that you should respect." He snapped at his class causing them all to be silent before he continued, "Besides, I don't even know many pros who could do what she did." He said as the bell rang alerting them of the change in period.

Hey guys! I'm publishing this today because I have the day off and will be spending it writing for, hopefully, both of my stories! Thank you all so much for reading, it really means so much to me!

I would like to remind you all that no matter what I am here for you all and that I am always up to talk to anyone and everyone who needs it! Remember that I love you all and support you no matter what! I'll always be in your corner and I'm cheering you all on! Be strong, you can do and make it through anything!

Thank you all for reading and just remember that I love you all!


Waterworks (BNHA x OP Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon