Chapter Fourteen: No Matter What (Part Three)

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Third Person's POV:

Holding the young girl in his arms Mic was screaming for the medics whilst he made his way towards the doors. As he passed the students they moved out of the way with a mixture of shocked and horror filled expressions filled the crowd because it hadn't even crossed their mind that something might happen to the student who saved their lives is such an impressive way. The heroes all looked upon the young girl they had been helping and growing fond of over the years with sadness in their eyes; she was one of the most powerful children they had ever met and was one of the hardest working, it pained them all to see her like this. Present Mic hadn't wanted to let go of the girl when he was finally able to get her to a medic but he ended up doing so in the end and watched with pain and sadness in his eyes as they girl he had begun to see as his niece was carted off into an ambulance with his best friend.

Once they arrived at the hospital, doctors were confused at the rate in which the injured heroes were healing; well they were, until the young female was brought in. Once in the presence of the doctors it was quickly discovered that she was still using her quirk even in her unconscious state which had the doctors both confused and concerned. Most people, when unconscious would stop using their quirk, Burukku however did not and they feared that her not stopping was going to prevent her from waking up as well as some nasty side effects. Being that she wasn't awake and her guardian was also under hospital care the doctors were stumped on who they could ask about the side effects that she would get from her quirk; well, they were, until Yamada Hizashi all but barged in and was demanding to know how his best friend and his daughter were doing. Needless to say, before he could see either of them, he was grilled by the doctors for any information he could give them.

After a few hours the doctors were finally able to give some answers; "Mr. Yamada?" the doctor asked as he walked into Aizawa's room followed by a few nurses. Hizashi looked up and was quick to stand and greet the group who entered, "Yes, that's me, how are they?" he asked looking back at his friend. "Well," the doctor started causing the blonde hero to look at him again, "he will be fine. Most of his injuries aren't severe and those that are, are healing quickly." The doctor continued causing a puzzled look to appear on the voice heroes face, "Why is he healing so quickly?" he asked though he already had a good idea as to why, "The girl that was brought in with them, Burukku I believe her name is, she is healing them. Actually, that's why the nurses are with me, we need to move him into the same room as pro hero Thirteen and the girl." The doctor stated. His statement had caused Mic to worry again which prompted him to ask, "Doc, what aren't you telling me?" at that question the doctor let out a sigh before speaking. "She's in a coma." He stated causing Hizashi to nearly faint, "She went far beyond her limits and is in severe dehydration yet we cannot get her to stop using her quirk. We fear that, if we cannot get her hydrated, she could die from overuse. I'm truly sorry, we're truly trying everything to get her to stop." The doctor continued but did not receive a response from the hero.

For a man known for his voice he was never one to be quiet, yet suddenly he was speechless; this girl, his best friend's daughter, basically his own niece, might die because she subconsciously was trying to save the people she cared most about. As that thought processed, he suddenly had another question, "Why do they all need to be in the same room?" he asked looking at the doctor once more. The doctor gave a weak smile before answering, "It will make she healing them easier, the closer they are the less she has to stress herself. We were thinking that if she could finish her healing on them then she might just stop and her body might actually start accepting the fluids we're trying to give her." He explained but once he finished his eyes widened as he realized the mistake he had made. "What do you mean her body isn't accepting the fluids?!" Mic exclaimed causing the doctor to flinch but he composed himself and looked back at the hero, "Her body is using any and all available fluids to heal the two heroes, that also includes what is in her own body. Therefore, the more we put into her the more she takes out and uses on the others. We also cannot flood her system because she can go into shock which could also kill her; basically, we are trying to balance how much fluids we are giving her and how this will affect her. We do need to move him now so if you could please step out." The doctor said whilst motioning to the door.

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