Chapter Seventeen: The Apology

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Third Person's POV:

It was currently Thursday, three days since Burukku had woken up and two days since Aizawa had been at school. Many of the students were beginning to worry because it had not become common knowledge of the girls awakening and all the teachers were keeping the situation quiet as well. Another thing that was throwing the students off was the fact that Monoma had shown up at first period both days asking for Aizawa and looking like he wanted to be anywhere but there. Needless to say, it had been a very confusing few days for the class A students.

Nobody was expecting Aizawa to walk into the room looking even more exhausted than he normally did and make his way to the podium. Upon realizing that he was in fact there the students quickly scrambled to their seats so class could begin. It was about half way through class when the door opened to reveal the girl who had been missing all week; she calmly walked into the room and sent a quick glare at Aizawa before making her way to her seat seemingly not realizing the eyes of all her classmates being on her.

Burukku's POV:

*~A Few Minutes Prior~*

'I cannot believe he left me at home!' I thought as I made my way through the halls of UA towards my classroom. Yes, the doctors said I should take it easy for a few days after getting out of the hospital but they also said so long as I continued drinking loads of water to replace what I used I would be fine. I made my way to the door and carefully opened it and stepped inside. Upon entering the room, I was quick to send a glare at dad which he returned before I made my way to my seat and pulled out a large water bottle to take a quick drink. After closing the bottle, I realized that everyone in the room was staring at me and I looked around with a confused expression before asking a quick "What?"

At my question everyone seemed to freak; Momo attacked me with a hug, Kirishima was all but throwing himself over my desk to try and hug me, several people around me were trying to ask me questions while several more were trying to tell me how happy they were that I was back. I very quickly became overwhelmed but most of my classmates seemed to not notice, thankfully Aizawa did and was quick to order everyone back into their seats to which I sent him a grateful look. He tried to continue his lesson though it was clear that my classmates were hardly paying attention. I smiled at this realization, this meant that they actually cared about me.

Third Person's POV:

It was about ten minutes before the end of class and the students were finally starting to focus better when a knock interrupted the lesson. A look of annoyance pass through Aizawa's eyes but he told whoever was at the door to come in anyways. Burukku was the only person who was shocked to see Monoma on the other side of the door; "Vlad said you would probably be stopping by, what do you need?" Aizawa sighed at the boy, Monoma seemed to be thinking before he answered, "I came to... apologize to you." He finally said causing surprised expressions to spread across the faces of basically everyone in the room. Aizawa cocked a brow at him prompting him to continue as he crossed his arms and leaned against his desk; Monoma let out a sigh before he continued, "I said some bad stuff about one of your students and I'm sorry about it." He said before he turned to leave. His escape was halted by Aizawa grabbing him with his capture weapon and turning him towards himself; "What did you say and who was it about?" he all but growled at the 1B student causing him to gulp. "The girl who was injured, I said that she didn't deserve to be here if she would only get hurt on her first experience with villains." He said quickly causing Aizawa to tighten the weapon and glare at him. Upon hearing what he had said Burukku dropped her eyes to her lap to prevent anyone from seeing her eyes fill with tears; what she didn't realize was several pairs of eyes looked over at her as she dropped my head and upon seeing her reaction, they were quick to send glares at the blonde boy.

"That girl you spoke ill of, her name is Burukku. She, knowing full well that she was over her limit and that she was extremely injured, continued to fight to protect not only her classmates but also her teachers. She took a huge hit for All Might to make sure he wouldn't get injured and that he would be able to continue fighting. She prioritized the healing of others over her own and, while unconscious, continued to heal those of us who were also very injured. That action almost cost her her life, and after she woke up you know what she told us? 'The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.' Basically, she was saying that we could save more lives than she could alone. She is one of the most heroic people I have ever met and I am proud to call her my daughter." Aizawa snapped at boy, getting angrier as he went. He let out a sigh, calming down before continuing, "Would you have done the same thing if you were in her position?" he asked the blonde causing him to freeze. Truth be told Monoma didn't know if he would or even could do what she did; at the lack of response Aizawa let him go from his capture weapon and turned his back to him. "I am not the one you should be apologizing too." He said as he looked towards his daughter who had yet to lift her head.

Monoma followed Aizawa's eyes and upon seeing the seat that had been empty the past few days filled his eyes widened. "Burukku...?" he found himself asking quietly causing said girl to raise her head slightly to look at the boy. In that moment he found himself speechless upon seeing the expression on her face, she looked hurt by what he had said. In a normal situation he would have laughed saying something about how she was weak but he knew she was nothing of the sort, she was merely upset and hurt by what he had said because of how much she was willing to give up. She was willing to make a hero's sacrifice and it was clear by his lack of response to Aizawa's earlier question that he wasn't. "I'm sorry..." he said and watched as the girl nodded before dropping her eyes back to her lap clearly not wanting to look at the boy.

"Get back to class." Aizawa gruffed out clearly done with the boy to which he nodded and left the room quickly; if nothing else, to get away from all the glaring eyes.

Hey guys! I'm sorry for this chapter taking so long, if you read my other story you know why. Thank you everyone for reading and voting on this story, it really means so much to me!

I would like to remind you all that no matter what I am here for you all and that I am always up to talk to anyone and everyone who needs it! Remember that I love you all and support you no matter what! I'll always be in your corner and I'm cheering you all on! Be strong, you can do and make it through anything!

Thank you all for reading and just remember that I love you all!


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