Chapter 20. Stealing him away

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Socks looked at the adorable man in his arms.
"How could anyone hurt you so much?"
He asked himself tearing up at his words. Socks was strong physically but not mentally, right now he was a mess wanting to cry, scream and punch something. But he kept calm, he kept calm to not scare the beautiful man in his arms.

"I am never gonna let anyone hurt you again."
Socks said kissing Blaza's forehead. Blaza stirred in his sleep back arching up.
Socks immediately shook him.
"Blaza! Blaza baby."

Blaza's eyes flew open tears starting to form, Blaza winced putting his hands on Sock's chest grabbing on his shirt.

"Socks it hurts."
Socks helped him into a sitting position. Looking at the cuts littered on Blaza's body.
"It's okay."
Socks said hugging Blaza carefully before getting up and walking to the bathroom taking a wet cloth. He walked back sitting next to Blaza.
"This is gonna be a little cold okay?"
Blaza nodded shivering a little when the cloth made contact with his body.

Socks got up again taking a jar dipping his fingers in it and smearing the contents on Blaza's cuts. Blaza gasped and let out small moans it felt really good. The pain was still present but most of it faded away.

Blaza arched his back when Socks touched the bruise on his hip.
"Does it hurt?"
"A-A bit."
Socks hummed nodding his head gently
going over the bruise gently.

Socks was looked at Blaza again seeing another cut on the inside of Blaza's tight. Socks moved his hand to Blaza's tight gently spreading Blaza's legs to not hurt him.

Softy, he washed the cut on Blaza's tight, Blaza shivered a bit holding onto Socks shoulders.
"Thank you."
Socks kissed his forehead gently moving his hand away.
"Don't thank me I should have been there to protect you."
Blaza buried his face in Sock's chest mumbling something not audible for Socks.

"Why would he do this to you?"
"I don't know."
Blaza sighed getting up walking to the door.
"Where are you going?"
Socks said getting up grabbing Blaza's wrist.
"I want to go outside."
"I have not been outside in two weeks he wants nobody to see me like this because it will make him look bad."
"You are not going alone."
Socks said picking up a shirt and putting it on Blaza. He took hold of Blaza's hand leading him through the castle to the garden.

"It's beautiful out here."
Blaza said sitting on the fountain playing with his fingers.

He looked around happy to finally be outside after 2 weeks of his father torturing him. Socks was walking to Blaza only to suddenly be pulled back by his shoulder, he turned around meeting the man they saw at the carnival long ago.

"Shouldn't you be leaving?"
The man slurred looking at Socks.
"If I remember correctly I had a week to leave."
"Well, you shouldn't be around the prince."
"I am his bodyguard."
"Well, he doesn't need a bodyguard around his fiance."
He was looking at Socks who shifted uncomfortably looking at Blaza.

Blaza turned around face full of terror.
The man walked to Blaza only to be stopped halfway by Socks.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm a bodyguard and I am supposed to protect my client. So I am doing what I am assigned to."
The guy clenched his teeth. He wasn't scared, he just wanted to get to Blaza.
Socks stood tall before him not letting him pass. The guy got pissed so he left not wanting to argue with already angry Socks.

When the guy left Blaza ran to Socks hugging him tightly almost making him fall.
"Thank you."
Blaza said tears slipping down his face.
Socks looked down hugging Blaza back starting to tear up as well.

He pulled Blaza away interviewing their hands. He led Blaza to his room sitting Blaza on his bed. Socks sat down Blaza in his lap crying, they sat there for a bit until Socks came up with a plan.

Socks woke up Blaza deep in the night.
"Where are we going?"
"We are leaving."
"You are joking!"
Socks stood tall next to Blaza turning to him looking Blaza dead in the eyes.
"Remember how I told you I was gonna steal you away?"
"Well I am gonna stay true to my word, so start packing we need to start heading now."
Blaza nodded moving fast, dressing himself and putting his belonging in the bags. They didn't have much so in 30 minutes they were done packing. They walked quietly through the halls of the castle going through the garden and getting their horses.

They travelled for a long time. By the time they were at Socks house it was 10 am. They unpacked Socks helping Blaza with everything. A few minutes later Socks looked around for Blaza calling him only to see the boy asleep sitting in a chair. Socks picked him up and carried him to the bedroom gently putting him down, lying down next to Blaza Socks cuddled him.

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