Chapter 4. First lecture

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After our talk I walked to the library, picking up a book to read until I heard the door open. I looked up just to see that she was there standing and licking her lips.
-"Hey cutie pie mind if I joing."
She slurred. Her breath smelled of alcohol and she was all messy.
-"Playing hard to get huh?"
She raised one eyebrow at me, I just countiniue to read not really paying attention to her.
-"Ah come on dont be such a pain in the ass."
She walked over to me putting her hands on my neck. I took of one of her hands pushing her off me.
-"Aw look at you trying to be daddy's good boy, dont be shy I know you like me."
I didn't say anything because I dont wanna fight with a drunk girl. I heard some footsteps, I shoot my head up to look who it is. My hear starts to race 'What if it's my dad?'
I put my head down only to be startled by a deep voice, voice I heard not too many moments ago.
-"What are you doing here?"
-"I just came to the visit."
-"Well you cant visit my student when he has his lectures. Okay?"
She bit her lip and threw back her hair looking at him. He just gave her a glare and she was out. I look at him smiling.
-"Thank you."
-"No problem now let's really start that lecture."
I say and smile, he smiles back and picks up a book. A few hours later I was getting ready for my next lecture, when he sits on his table and smiles.
-"Lets go eat something."
-"Lets go eat something."
-"We cant!"
-"Why? You need to eat."
-"My dad-"
-"Well now I am lecturing you and we are going to eat something."
-"But but-"
-"Dont worry I'll take the blame if your dad says anything okay?"
I nod and get up, I was actually really hungry and any tipe of food will be good. We start walking.
-"Wait where are we going?"
-"Thats a surprise."
He said and grabbed my hand leading my outside the castle. As we were walking I looked at him he was handsome. I shook my head.
-"We are here."
I look up and see a small restaurant.
We enter the restaurant and sit by the big window, smell of coffee filling our noses.
-"Hello fine gentlemen what would you like to order."
The words startled me a bit so I looked at our waiter, he was a young boy with brown eyes and hair.
-" Cough"
I looked at Sock oh I must have zooned out.
-"I am sorry, water and a sandwich."
The boy smiled and walked away, I looked at my feet embarrassed but then I feel a hand rubbing mine. I lift my head to meet his beautiful eyes, I felt my eyes glue I stared at him. Until I saw our food coming so I looked at the floor.
-"Enjoy your meal."
-"Thank you."
We both smiled at the waiter, after that he walked away. I looked at my food lifting it and putting it in my mouth I was really hungry. As I finished I looked around for my wallet to pay.
-"Dont bother I will pay, do you think I would take you out on lunch and actually not buy you lunch."
He said as he smiled and put his hand back on mine. I shook my head.
-"Okay let's go."
He said I looked at him and he smiled, called the boy and gave him 50 coins.
As we were walking home some kid ran on the street almost getting hit by a carriage. But the carriage didn't hit him because Socks pulled him away just in time, his mother ran to us.
-"Thank you so much!"
-"Its nothing miss have a good day."
He said and walked away, I was standing there in shock, after a minute I ran after him.
-"You just saved a kids life and said it's nothing."
-"Yeah so?"
-"So why didn't you make her pay you for saving her child."
-"Look not everybody is rich like you! They are poor like I was once."
He said softly and walked away, I was standing there in shock for the second time today. I shook my head and got back to the castle going straight to my room and studying the whole day.

-~I am so sorry for the late chapter I have a lot of things to do and I must confess I was a little lazy. Sorry!~
                                   -Love Akane

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