Chapter 60: Confrontations

Start from the beginning

Rey had no idea who Monk was, but Blade's words painted a good enough picture for her to understand. Her lightsaber clicked on in her hands. Master Skywalker and Ren slipped her mind, the whole world fading to focus on the lieutenant with braids of gold. "Where is she?" Rey snarled. 

"Is that anger I hear?" Blade gasped mockingly. "I thought that wasn't the Jedi way." 

It was anger, and it was what triggered Rey to bolt forward--his words the final straw. She raised her lightsaber, yelling out her fury. Blade's cleaver met the saber, the two weapons clashing in a horrible crackle. 


Luke stared warily at Kylo Ren, his opponent striding forward with all the resolve of a man intent on killing. But Luke didn't move to meet him, his grip on his familiar green saber tightening. 

This moment had to come. After the assault that happened all those years ago, Luke knew this fight had to happen. He didn't think his heart would take it though. And he didn't think he could silence it either. He couldn't silence it back then--when Ren was storming his beloved temple and they faced each other amongst the screams of the padawans. So, surely he couldn't silence it now. 

This was Ben. His nephew. The little baby his sister bore and his best friend cried over. How was he supposed to fight him? Even with the whole galaxy and the Resistance counting on him.

Luke gulped, quickly assessing his surroundings. Lando and Chewie were behind him, frozen just as he was. Fortunately, the sniper had stopped shooting. 

"Oh my gosh..." Luke heard Lando whisper, his voice heartbroken in a way Luke had never heard before. "Ben?"

Ren ignored the man. "It's time I show you what I've learned, Skywalker," he said, stopping mere feet away from Luke. 

Luke shook his head weakly. "No," he began, "I don't want to fight you, Ben." 

"Then this will be your end, Master Jedi." Then, not giving Luke the opportunity to respond, Ren threw himself forward. 

Luke reacted timely, bringing his saber up to block. The two opposing colors collided in a flash of light. "Ben," Luke grunted, almost pleadingly.

Ren pushed ever harder on his saber. "Ben Solo is dead," he hissed, his mask ablaze with red. "I stand in his place. Stronger."

"Do you feel stronger, Ben?" Luke asked, refusing not to use Ren's rightful name. "Did killing your father really make you more powerful?"

Ren's eyes widened and he swung his saber around in a flash of anger. Luke caught the sword with his own before it slashed through his thigh. 

"Snoke is using you, Ben," Luke continued, praying that his words were having some kind of effect. "He's manipulating your thoughts. He doesn't care what your fate is. In the end, when he has won, you will be discarded. Just like my own father."

"NO!" Ren yelled, going for another slash with his saber. Luke blocked that one too. Pushing against the red saber. And then, with all the strength he could muster, he thrust his hand out, Force-pushing Ren through the air. The man went flying, skidding to the floor near where the TIE crashed. 

"Listen to me, Ben!" Luke cried, his voice cracking. "I'm sorry! For everything. I tried to be a good teacher; you only ever deserved the best. But I failed you, Ben, and for that, I'm sorry."

Ren slowly rose from the floor, discarding his mask in the process. Luke gazed at him, his brows creasing in pain. It was still his face--Ben's face--that glowered back at him. But somehow, the face that resembled so much of the two people Luke loved the most, had been hardened. Stripped of life. His eyes cold, sleep deprivation evident in the bags that hung from them. His long locks of hair stuck tangled to his forehead; his mouth set in an ever-permanent grimace. A scar ran down the right side of his face, adding to the callous look Ren wore. 

"Ben..." Luke weeped.

"Stop saying the names of the dead!" roared Ren, bolting forward. He raised his saber, and threw himself at Luke

Luke was on the defensive again, now staring into the eyes of the padawan he knew too well. He pursed his lips, trying to hold his saber steady against the assaulting red one. His gaze momentarily flicked to Lando and Chewie behind him; the two watching, unsure if they should go or not. 

He didn't want to fight Ben. But he had to live for the protection of his friends. He had to live to warn the Resistance. He had to live for Rey. Even for Order 99--the memory from the elevator a whisper in his head. He couldn't give up now. 

He straightened. "You give me no choice, Ben." And he broke free from Ren's attack, swinging his saber down on the being that held so much of his heart. 

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