A Closed Case

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Michelle woke up in a hospital bed, her eyes fluttered open softly.

"Honey", Maria Jones said as jumped to her daughter's side. "It's okay, you're okay, we're in a hospital".

Michelle ran her hand up to her neck & felt the bruises forming.

Her thoughts scrambled, she started to recall what happened.

"Where is he", Michelle said as she started to get up from the bed. "Where's Peter"?

"Michelle, are you okay", Maria asked? Michelle looked at her mother confused. "He's dead, he's been gone for once".

Michelle felt an overwhelming sadness coming over her, but she knew what happened over these past few weeks was real.

"No, no", Michelle explained. "He's alive, I found him, Ned & I saved him, he should be here".

Michelle pulled the wires off of her & got up from the bed, she grabbed her pants & pulled them over her legs.

"Honey, you shouldn't be up right now, you need some rest", Maria stated, but Michelle pushed past her with her IV stand & started searching the hospital.

"PETER", Michelle yelled! "MAY! NED"!

She walked up to a doctor & asked where Peter was, but he had no idea who she was talking about.

"Peter", Michelle yelled! "May, Ned, where are you guys"?

"MJ", Ned yelled! She heard him yell from down the hall, slid out from a hospital room & waved her over.

Michelle used her iv stand to walk & Maria followed her.

Ned ran over to Michelle & walked her over to the room. She looked inside & saw Peter, he was barely awake & it seemed like he was coming down from something.

"Oh my god", Maria said as she saw Peter. Maria wasn't told anything about Peter when she got the call that Michelle was in the hospital, so she thought Peter was still dead.

"Peter", Michelle squealed as she ran into the room & hugged him.

"MJ", Peter mumbled as he tried to hold his arms up. But he couldn't keep his arms up.

"You're here, you're really here", Michelle said as she wrapped her arms around him.

"Yeah", Peter said, he was out of breath.

"What's wrong with him", Michelle asked the doctors?

"He's coming down from whatever you injected him with", The doctor said. "But he should be good in a few hours".

"When will he be able to be checked out", May asked?

"Two, maybe three hours", The doctor said. "We do need to run some more tests, rape kits, stitches, & the police will need to question him".

May gasped, "Run any tests needed, I just want him to be well".

The doctor wrote on the notepad & continued talking to May.

Michelle crawled into the bed with Peter & wrapped her arms around him. She couldn't believe that this was real, just as she was finally accepting his death, then he came back.

Michelle snuggled into his side as Peter started to drift off back into sleep, butMichelle continued to lay with him, she overheard the doctor talk to May.

"Most victims I have worked with find suggest some form of therapy for other patients, & your nephew clearly has dealt with a lot more trauma in these past few months", The doctor whispered. "It's possible that he may develop anxiety, depression, night terrors, &/or panic attacks".

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