Whatever It Takes

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"Well, unlike everyone else you've met, you can't control me", Michelle said.

"Can't I", Kilgrave said. "Ned, hold her down".

Ned couldn't hear him, so his mojo was completely ineffective to him. Kilgrave had a shocked expression on his face.

"Yeah, you won't be able to take control of him either", Michelle said as she pulled his hood back & showed Kilgrave the airpods.

"Clever, but it doesn't matter... I should have had Peter kill you with his bare hands, I should have made him watch as the life drains from your eyes & let him know that every time your mouth open to gasp for air, he'd be the reason you aren't here anymore", Kilgrave spat out from his mouth as he aggressively stood next to Peter. "He begged for your lives & promised you wouldn't be a problem, he begged me to not make him kill you both, but now he will".

"You don't have to do this", Michelle said. "You have the power to make everyone believe whatever you want... that's all you have to do, we only want our friend back".

"That's not happening", Kilgrave said as he shook his head & looked over at Peter. "Peter, darling, kill them slowly".

Peter looked forward & lunged at the two. Ned & Michelle turned away from Peter & ran through the house. They had to stay together.

They ran through the long hallways, Michelle looked back to see where Peter was, she saw him jumping from the ground & the walls like an animal.

Ned threw a bookcase across their path then quickly ran away, the bookcase fell onto the other wall. Peter swiftly slid underneath part of the bookcase & jumped back up to his feet as he made it through the other side.

Michelle & Ned ran into a room at the end of the hall. They hid beside the doorway but Peter couldn't see them.

Ned stumbled for his pocket as he tried finding the tranquilizers. He grabbed one of them & pulled it out of his pocket. He held it close to his rapid beating heart.

They both sharply took a breath as they heard him coming & then the noise stopped.

As Ned quietly exhaled, Peter flung himself into the room & jumped on Ned before he could even react.

They fell to the floor & Ned dropped the tranquilizer dart. Peter grabbed Ned by his throat & lifted him into the air. He pressed him against the wall & lifted him even higher with a look of anger on his face.

Michelle jumped down to the ground & grabbed the dart. She got back up to her feet & tried injecting the dart into Peter's back, but Peter spun around with Ned still in his other hand. Peter grabbed Michelle's hand with the dart in it & squeezed her wrist until she dropped it.

"Ah", Michelle winced in pain as she dropped the dart. She watched it fall to the floor & Peter kick it away. But then Michelle saw Ned reach into his pocket away & stab Peter in the shoulder.

Peter looked at Ned angrily.

"Sorry", Ned said in a graveled voice.

Peter flung around & launched Ned at another into the wall as his hand was still wrapped around Michelle's wrist.

"Peter, you're hurting me", Michelle said as she tried pulling her wrist away from him. But his grip only got tighter. Michelle reached up to his shoulder & ripped the dart out of his shoulder & dragged the bladed part across his shoulder.

Peter released Michelle's wrist from his grip & held his wound.

Michelle got up from the ground & ran from Peter. She booked it through the halls & threw things back at Peter as he chased her.

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