Dead Man Walking

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"Hey, Peter, I'm sorry I'm late", Michelle said, it was 9:30 PM & it was starting to rain. "I had to study at Ned's house & we didn't get done until like 9 o'clock & it takes thirty minutes to get here by walking".

"I know, I know, I'm officially losing it", Michelle said as she sat down & leaned against his grave. "Do you think I'm crazy, I mean, I carry out conversations with you every day, I mean I don't blame you if you do think I'm crazy, I did just apologize to a dead person for being late, it's not like you have anything much better to do".

"Give me a sign if you think I'm crazy", Michelle said to nobody, but thunder burst through the sky anyway. "Woah, give me a sign if you were just kidding".

Lightning went off in the distance.

"All is forgiven", Michelle said. "Wait, give me a sign if it is my little brother eating my chocolate".

No lightning this time.

"Damn, it was my mom", Michelle laughed. She stood up & opened her umbrella as she looked down at his grave & rain started to drench them both. "I'm sorry that I have to leave so soon, but it's starting to rain heavily, but on the other hand you know that I'll be back tomorrow, so".

Michelle started to walk away from the tombstone, but looked back at it once more before leaving the cemetery.

Now Michelle had to walk home in the rain, she didn't have money for a taxi, so she had to walk. So she starts her twenty minute walk back to her apartment.

"This is just great, I should have just skipped Ned's", Michelle said with her phone pressed against her ear, she was calling her mother.

The phone rang & rang until she finally picked up.

"Hey, mom", Michelle said.

"Honey, where are you, Ned's mother called, she said that you left about an hour ago", Michelle's mother said. "Are you okay"?

"Yeah, I'm just walking home, I'm a few blocks away at this point", Michelle said as she looked at what street she was on.

"Honey, it's raining, why didn't you come home sooner", Michelle's mother asked?

"I had to make a stop", Michelle said. Her mother didn't respond to that, but now she knew where Michelle was.

"Do you need me to pick you up", Michelle's mother asked?

"No, I have my umbrella, I should be home in like five minutes", Michelle said. "I called to tell you that I'm fine & not kidnapped or anything, I know you were worrying".

"Yeah, just get home quickly, honey, your dinner is in the microwave when you get here", Michelle's mother said. "Love you".

"Love you too, mom", Michelle said. She hung up the phone. She looked up as she was walking & recalled that she did walk her mom to pick her up because this walk in the run was not fun & she was getting soaked.

Then she saw something, something leaped across the street from building to building. It was just a blur it could have just been a shooting star. But Michelle followed the blur & in the fate light coming off the streets & from the moon. It was a silhouette of a man standing on buildings looking over the city.

Michelle gasped as she stopped walking & rubbed her eyes. The man was gone. She relieved herself when she figured that she was just seeing things.

But then she saw him running closer in her direction. He didn't even acknowledge her existence.

"It can't be, MJ, you're seeing things", Michelle told herself. The figure was looking at the building across the streets, but she was in a stance just like him.

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