Curious Like The Cat

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Michelle walked out of her room as she turned her light off, she had a backpack on & she headed straight for the door.

"Where are you going, honey", Michelle's Mother asked? "You do realize that today is Saturday, right"?

"I'm just going over to Betty's house", Michelle lied, but she did so convincingly. She walked between the back of the couch & the wall that separated the living room from the dining room. She had to step over her brother's baseball bag that he always left lying around.

"Are you staying the night", Michelle's Mother asked?

"No, I'm going to be coming back in a few hours", Michelle said, she again turned for the door, but her mother stopped her again.

"Well, you will have the house to yourself for the night", Michelle's Mother said, she got up from the couch & walked to the kitchen. "I'm taking your brothers & sister to their dad's house, then I am going to Rio's for the night".

"Alright", Michelle said, she took one step closer to the door, again getting stopped.

"You can have Betty or Ned over tonight, if you'd like", Michelle's Mother said, she walked out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee in her hands. "Ned cannot stay over for the night while I'm not here though, but Betty is more than welcome".

"I'm just going over there to study for the test on Monday", Michelle said, she didn't bother moving, knowing that her mother would stop her again.

"Oh, well, have fun", Michelle's Mother said. "I love you".

"Love you too, Mom", Michelle said. She turned around & finally got out of the apartment.

She wasn't really going to Betty's house & she definitely didn't need to study for such an easy test. Michelle was going down to the police station to talk to an officer about the Night-Spider case she was building.

Once she finally arrived, she had the binder in her hands. She walked up to the secretary & placed the binder on the desk, it banged as it hit the top of the desk & slightly shook the water in the secretary's mug.

"Can I talk to a detective please", Michelle asked the man behind the desk? "It's about an enhanced superhuman known as the Night-Spider".

The man behind the desk sipped his coffee slowly then sat the mug down. He then turned in his chair around & called an officer to Michelle.

"This young woman has some information on the Night-Spider case", The secretary said to Officer Darren as he walked up. "Take her statement then show her out, as usual".

"Follow me miss", Officer Darren said as he walked through the police station & led Michelle to an interrogation room.

"Here", Michelle said as Officer Darren sat down across from her, she slid the binder over to him. Officer Darren slowly looked through the binder.

"This is probably the clearest picture we have of him", Officer Darren said, he looked at the photo closer. "Are there any copies of this"?

"Yes, they are at my house, but everything at home is just exact copies of what you have right there", Michelle said as Officer Darren put the picture back down into the binder & looked at Michelle with a surprised look. "And, by the way, the suit this man is wearing belonged to Spider-man, before he was murdered, it's the stealth suit designed for sneaking around & it's loaded with incredible technology & weaponry".

"Oh, do you think this could be Peter Parker, Ms. Jones", Officer Darren asked? He put his hands under the desk, grabbing his gun & pointing it at Michelle underneath the table as he looked up at Michelle. She couldn't see the gun from how she sat.

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