Kaito and Johnathan exchanged blows.


John was hit in the leg but Karl was hit in the arm.


Johnathan was bloodied up but Kaito was bleeding from the stomach.


Dimitri knocked Giovanni to the ground.

"Leyte Gulf"

Kaito's katana was nearly shattered.


John suffered a stabbed leg but Karl lost control of his arm.


Giovanni sliced Dimitri's shoulder before being pile drived into the ground.


Kaito gained a new scar on his face as both he and Johnathan began to go at each other with more violence.


Time seemed to slow down as Dimitri tried to approach Giovanni who was on the ground, both of his legs where cut deeply as his head was held up by Wales. Warspite and Belfast where trying there hardest to hold Dimitri's legs back as Eugen and Hipper kept his knife arm at bay.


John was on a blood rage as he tried again and again to get out of Bismarck and Tirpitz's combined hold as Cleveland and Montpelier kept him from kicking the two battleships. Karl meanwhile was nearly unconscious, his head propped up by Sheffield who was also tending to his wounds as Denver and Colombia kept a close eye on his knife.


Unlike the other two combatants both Johnathan and Kaito were still fighting as both savagely went after each other and dodged every attempt by the ship girls to restrain them. This continued until Johnathan kicked Kaito in the leg, a sickening crack followed as Kaito fell to the ground but not before stabbing Johnathan in the arteries on his right leg.

Even with the injuries the two weren't giving up. Takao and Enterprise tried again to separate the two as Ark Royale used her rigging weapon as a baton. Illustrious and Victorious used their planes to try and distract the two as Zuikaku and Shokaku tried to back up whoever needs assistance. Most of the destroyers and cruisers who tried to help ended up having cuts on their legs and arms from the melee and where ordered to stand back however Deutschland refused to back down.

Z23: Mrs. Deutschland, please be careful!

Deutschland: I'll be fin-

She was cutoff by a sudden rumble in the ground. The surroundings began to warp violently as one of the walls smacked Kaito into Takao and Johnathan towards Enterprise. Both tumbled down however the sound of an aircraft engine was soon heard. Kaito was the first to get up as he readies himself for battle, however his legs gave way and Takao quickly caught him before he hit the ground. Johnathan meanwhile took a little longer to get up, however as soon as he did he drew his pistol and aimed it at Kaito's head. Enterprise didn't waste a second and knocked the gun out of Johnathan's hands before pinning him to the ground with the help of Hornet and Zuikaku. However as the struggle died down the aircraft engine remained and soon the surroundings changed to a view from the sky. The ships and the boys all looked down into what seems to be a city. However their view was short as a single B-29 flew by them.

Atago: What's going on?

Akagi: I don't exactly kno-

She never got to answer as the plane bomb bay opened, and a small dot fell. Then a blinding light quickly followed by a shockwave was all they felt before seeing a cloud bellow from the flat ground below.

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