Outside The Law Part 2

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"We can always spray them with chloroform," he answers finally.

"I'll do it!" said Zuma.

"Bark, chlorofowm!" a small spray bottle attachment came from his clothes. He spayed each man lightly in the face.

"They'll be out for a while!" said Zuma. The pups jumped down into the metal tubes. There was a loud clang as they hit the bottom, and they froze for a good 5 minutes.

"That was almost the showtest covewt mission in history..." he muttered, walking along. Rocky scanned the tubes, looking for the one that would put them in the computer room. "Marshall, the signal isn't doing well in these metal tubes. We'll have to figure it out on our own."

"Ok, what about this vent?" he said stopping. Rocky and Zuma turned around.

"We can try it. Let's go!" he said. Marshall jumped down onto the ground, the other pups right behind him.

"Hey, did you hear something?" came a voice down the hall.

"Yeah, I did. Let's go check it out." came another.

"They heard us! What are we going to do?" hissed Rocky. The pups whirled around, taking in their surroundings. It looked like they were in a filing room of some sort. The footsteps got closer.

"If there's someone in there, we will shoot on sight!" came a voice, threateningly.

"We can hide in one of these cabinets!" said Zuma. "One of them has to be empty!" The pups began looking. The footsteps were very close now.

"This is taking too long!" said Rocky, engaging his googles. He scanned over the cabinets and found out that there was one empty one.

"In here!" he said grabbing the handle to said cabinet. It was locked. Of all the cabinets to be locked, why is this one? He thought. Marshall held the lock in his paws and it melted away. The pups jumped in the cabinet and closed the door just as the door was opened. A light was turned on. The cabinet was big, but it was very cramped for the three pups. They heard heavy footsteps outside.

"Do you smell something, burning?" one guard said.

"No, can't say that I do." said the other.

"I could've sworn I heard something!" said one.

"Me too... I guess we're just jumpy." said the other leaving the room. Soon, they heard the other leave, and the lights turn off. Zuma went to open the door.

"No! This could be a trap! They could just be waiting for us to leave!" hissed Marshall. And sure enough, they heard talking on the outside.

"Do you think somethings in there?" asked one.

"I don't think so. We have other hallways to patrol. Come on." They said. They heard footsteps down the hall, and they were gone. Rocky was all too happy to get out of the cabinet, taking a breath of fresh air.

"Ugh, your butt was in my face, Zuma!" he complained.

"Sowwy, I was weally tight in there!" he squeaked.

"Guys, we need to keep looking!" chastened Marshall. he opened the door quietly, and the pups all walked out, closing it behind them. They crept down the shadowy halls, hiding behind anything they could find. Then they found it. It was the computer room, and they were all powered off for the night.

"Found it!" said Zuma. They slid into the room and locked the door behind them. Rocky and Zuma jumped up on the chair together, while Marshall kept watch. Rocky booted up the computer, and it immediately asked for a password.

When The Past Becomes The FutureOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz