A Step Closer

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11 PM


16th, 2021

Vanessa couldn't concentrate after that flashback. So once they reached home she tried to piece everything up one by one. Starting from the vision she got, her skills and the assassin.

They didn't want me to be an actress in fear I will be killed. In other words they cared and that they had a lot of enemies.

They wanted me to be someone I didn't. What was it. She thought.

Since she did not know the specific time she couldn't pin point what profession she depised with such passion.

But thinking of the how she dodged the bullet and fought an experienced fighter. She can say she was trained.

She then remembered she never wanted to kill anyone since she can remember before she lost all hope.

So they were probably in a gang or mafia. And I have siblings.

But if they were in a gang or mafia why would they hire a loose mouth assassin and inexperienced assassin if they knew her skill. She couldn't help but be suspicious.

The only conclusion that she could get was.

Someone is plotting against her and her father.

The one question she now had was.


Why her?

Why not her siblings?

Vanessa didn't understand and felt an headache kick in.

She didn't think twice before marching towards the room Max was tied in.

The kicked the door open waking Max up.

Unlike last time he was tied to the chair with rope as he kept hurting himself constantly.

"Did you know." She asked coldly.

Max was startled by the sudden intrusion.

"Know what." He asked back confused.

"That, that assassination was not ordered by my so called father." She accused him.

Max was startled by the question.

Did he know?

"I guessed that but I was not sure." He stuttered out slightly hesitant.

"Why didn't you tell me this before." She said through gritted teeth.

"I was not sure." He said petrified.

"I guess I should leave a reminder on you constantly reminding you, you should not hide anything from me. Whether you were sure or not." She said aggressively.

She didn't give him a chance to comprehend what was going on before she shot him on his knee.

Max screamed out in pain.

"Tell me what else do you know." She asked him.

"He asked me to tell you 'Your father thinks you are an eyesore.'" He managed to spit out despite the pain.

Vanessa left after that, banging the door on her way out.

Elizabeth left her room to check where the noise came from when Vanessa came from the basement.

"Make sure to bandage him up." She said without looking back.

Elizabeth hurriedly grabbed the first aid kit and ran downstairs to tend to his wounds.

Maze let out another howl when Elizabeth removed the bullet.

"What did you tell her." She asked him.

"Nothing. She shot me because I said nothing." He whimpered out biting his lips.

Elizabeth suck in a deep breath at his statement.

After wrapping a gauze around his knees Elizabeth went to Vanessa's room to confront her and barged in.

Vanessa was calmly laying on her bed.

"What was that about." Elizabeth asked her directly.

"What." Vanessa asked tiredly.

"You know what I'm talking about. Why did you shot him. He could've died." Elizabeth yelled.

"So what it's not like he is leaving his place alive." Vanessa said calmly.

Elizabeth took a deep breath before sitting beside her.

"Honey is there something you are not telling me." She tried to coax Vanessa.

"No." Vanessa said flatly.

"Then why did you shoot him." Elizabeth tried again gently.

"He didn't answer my question." Vanessa said in a monotone.

"What was your vision about." Elizabeth tried a different approach.

"I'm not sure myself. It's confusing." Vanessa said exhaustedly, rubbing her face with both her palms.

"It must be something if it made you lose your composure like that." Elizabeth pointed out.

Vanessa quietly hummed and stayed in a comfortable silence for a few minutes.

"Be up by 10 tomorrow." Elizabeth informed her.

Vanessa raised her eyebrow. "Why."

"I'm gonna tutor you so you would be prepared on Monday." She said grinning.

"What's happening on Monday." Vanessa said slightly confused.

"Lucas and I are going in a date- I mean hanging out." She said with a slight blush in her cheeks. "And Victoria will supervise you. But I highly doubt she will. So I need to prepare you." She explained.

"Girl. Bye." Vanessa said.

Elizabeth giggled slightly before she left.

When Elizabeth went inside her room Victoria was already inside it, sitting in her bed.

"When shall we tell her." Victoria asked looking at her feet.

"Not now." Elizabeth said.

"Why not. She deserves to know." Victoria asked with a tinge of anger in the words.

"And what shall we tell her, that we know who ruined her life." Elizabeth said in the same tone.

"Yes, she shot him. He is innocent. Elizabeth she is losing herself." Victoria yelled angrily jumping on her feet, pointing where max is held captive.

"If we tell her she will go against them. I don't want her dead." She said softly.

"Can we ever tell her the truth." Victoria asked quietly after a few seconds.

Elizabeth shook her head.

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