A spark of true love (part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Relax Dawn, I'm fine." May promised. "We just weren't right for each other and we both knew it. Besides, it's been nearly a few months since ended things. It's just...I've been thinking about...certain things."

It was silent on the other end and May started to think Dawn had hung up. Then she noticed some sparkling from the corner of her eye.

When she turned towards it, she was met with a bright pink building. A large pink sparkling sign hung above the door that read 'A Spark of True Love' written in swirly letters.

"By certain things..." Dawn suddenly said. "...do you mean...what happened with-"

"Hey Dawn, do you mind if I call you back?" May cut her off.

"Um...yeah sure. Is something wrong?" Dawn worried.

"No, I just think I found a solution to my problem." May answered. "Talk to you later."

May hung up before Dawn could question her further, and walked into the building.

A little bell jingled above her as she opened the door, and May was met with a bright array of pinks, reds, whites, and hearts everywhere. It was like a Valentine's Day boom went off in there.

Nonetheless, May stepped further inside and looked around. She noticed a few pictures on the wall of happy couples and even some framed Thank you cards and wedding invitations.

"I'll be right with you!" A feminine voice called, startling May.

Soon a woman stepped out with a bright smile. She looked to be in her 20's, had bright blue eyes and fuchsia hair that was pulled up into two heart shaped buns. She wore a pretty white blouse, pale pink skirt and a black belt decorated in dark pink hearts.

"Hello, and welcome to 'A Spark of True Love'. My name is Maryjane, matchmaking extraordinaire, it's a pleasure to meet you." Maryjane introduced, offering her hand for May to shake.

"Hi." May shook her hand. "I'm May...and I'm a coordinator."

"May! As the the Princess of Hoenn, May?" Maryjane squealed.

"...Yeah." May replied.

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe the May Maple has come here, to my matchmaking office! It's an honor." Maryjane beamed.

May giggled nervously, unsure how to respond.

"So, what can I do for you?" Maryjane asked.

"Well...I broke up with by boyfriend, Brendan a while back, and I really wanna get back out there and find someone special. I didn't really know where to look and I just happened to stumble upon this place." May explained.

"Wow! That's quite a story. I can't wait to get started, and I swear that I will find you the best possible match out there!" Maryjane cheered.

"I'm glad you're so excited." May smiled. "So...how does this work?"

Before Maryjane could answer, the matchmaker phone rang, indicating a customer was calling in.

"I'm so sorry, but I should get that. Can't miss out on a potential customer." Maryjane said.

"It's no problem." May assured. "Go right ahead."

Maryjane smiled apologetically as she went for the phone.

"Hello?" Maryjane answered the phone. "Oh my gosh! Hi, it's great to hear from you. It feels like it's been forever."

May raised an eyebrow. Maryjane clearly knew this person, but May wondered why they used the company phone to contact her. Surely, if they knew her, they'd call her personal phone, right?

As curiously got the best of her, she tried to listen in, but could only hear Maryjane's half of the conversation.

"Oh...oh! No joke? You are being absolutely serious?" Maryjane questioned joyfully. She paused as the person on the other end spoke. "Wow, this is incredible! Here I thought the day couldn't get any better, but now two in one day! This just keeps getting better and better. You really made my day." Maryjane paused again to listen. "Yes, I can work it in tomorrow. Oh that's just perfect. I can't wait! Ok, bye."

Maryjane skipped back into the room with the brightest smile on her face. She then took a seat at her desk and motioned for May to take the seat opposite her.

"Now, where were we?" Maryjane asked.

"You we're going to tell me how this matchmaker thing works." May replied.

"Ah, yes. It's quite simple really. First you fill out a questionnaire, then I interview you with a few questions to get to know you. After that, it's a waiting game. I go over other clients results and see what speaks to me. It could take as short as a day or maybe a few weeks or more. But I promise you, it is well worth the wait. I've never been wrong about a match." Maryjane promised.

"Ok...let's do it then." May said.

"Alright. Just fill this out and then we can do the interview." Maryjane then slid a packet paper to May.

May took the packet and flipped through it. They were some pretty basic questions. Mostly personality and likes as well as dislikes she might have, but also some contact info for later. It didn't seem too hard.

"I'll give you some privacy as you work on that." Maryjane stood up. She was about go into another room but stopped a moment, turning back to May. "And please try to be as honest as possible. Otherwise, I won't be able to work my magic as well."

"Got it." May nodded and plucked a pen from the cup on the desk.

With that, May got to work filling it out. Her tongue poked out of her mouth in concentration as she wrote in her answers as detailed as she could. She actually found it fun as she did it.

But once she finished the the questions, it was onto the interview. Now these questions were a little more embarrassing for May. They were more personal than she'd like, but still answered them as honestly as she could.

"And that's it." Maryjane remarked.

"Really?" May asked.

"Yep. You are free to go and I'll let you know as soon I find something." Maryjane replied.

"Ok, I look forward to it." May smiled.

With that, she collected her things and went on her way, leaving Maryjane to her work. The matchmaker sorted through many, many different files and other clients, but none stuck out as a good fit for May. And for the Princess of Hoenn, she wouldn't accept anything less then a perfect match.

The day went on, and even after double checking everything, Maryjane still found nothing, but refused to give up hope. The perfect one for May would walk through that door and she would be the one to match it.

Even as the next day rolled around, Maryjane continued her search as she waited for her newest client to come in. She was beyond excited and was actually having a hard time keeping her focus on anything else. This was a dream come true after all.

The sound of the little bell above her door sent her jumping to her feet to greet her new customer.

To be continued...

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