Chapter Twelve: Here doggy doggy..

Start from the beginning

Nodding to show acknowledgement of the conversation, if everyone knows about this then we'd be either shut down. Or our mechanics would be shut down, resulting in us being shut down and practically dead.

Or they'd come to the schools and demand for them to be just like us. Creating accidents on purpose just so that they can be fixed.

I know it sounds stupid, but have you seen the society we live in. It's a god damn mess.

" That would be bad" Muttering to myself.

" So what do you want us to do about it exactly?" I asked, looking back down at the paper

" I want you all to go to this location, due to how it is rumoured that it's the place they are camping out" Pointing towards the second line to the top.

'Crescent Tops 1904'        ( Story purposes only )

" Where is that exactly?" Calum asked, scratching the top of his head. Very movie like, I must say!

" Its near here actually, only around 2 hours"

" Its near here you say" Looking at him blankly, if that's what he interprets closeness then I really don't want to know what he sees as far away..

" Yes anyways, I'll be coming with you today. " Turning to the boys to see faces of shock..

" Are you sure, you know what happened last time" Cashe spoke, his voice full of worry. His face full of concern.

" Yes I'm sure, I need to see how newbie does anyways" As I whip my head towards him.

" I am not a newbie"

" Sadly you are" Dante spoke, my eyes turn to glare at him.

I'll show him newbie..

" Just don't sacrifice me this time"

" I didn- you know what, you just wait" As he crosses his arms, smirking towards me.

What is it and people smirking, can they not smile.
But then again, I cant say anything..

" Are you sure" Cashe checked again, coming to stand next to his dad.

Nodding his head, he stood up.

" Let's go, we need to get back in time for the Hallway sweep"

" I'm still doing tha-"

" Yes, now lets go"

Huffing, I stood up. Giving the biggest look of disappointment towards Matthew's before walking out..

I'd rather have hours or a bloody night of detention then use my legs to walk around the site.

Too much energy wastage.


" I cant believe they are actually living here?" Whispering towards Dante that crouched right next to me.

You see Matthew's set us into groups of 2. Me and Dante, Cashe and Matthew's, Xavier and Tyler, and finally Tom with Calum.

We were given sections of the area to camp out at, looking for anything indicating that they are here. Or if they are actually camping out here.

" Some people would do anything for survival. Well greed, wouldn't really say that going on a rampage in a civil area would be called survival but you know what I mean."

As I couldn't be more shocked

" Are you okay, do you need some water. Speaking so long must of hurt your throat" Which resulted in me getting hit on the back of the head.

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