30.Ms.Long legs〚Jikook〛

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"What did you want to talk about, honeybun?" Jungkook asked as he sipped his banana milk while his eyes were fixed on Jimin's shaking form. "Why are you even shaking? It's not like I'm going to beat you or something. And if you want a favour, just ask me. I will do anything for my honeybun." He continued with a encouraging smile.

Jimin looked up, gulping when he met his boyfriend's eyes. "W-we talked about marriage earlier right?" Jungkook nodded. "A-and we both had mutual feelings about it right?" Jungkook nodded again. "I-I want my parents approval for tha-"

"They are homophobic, honey." Jungkook softly said, caressing his small lover's hair. "What is it?" He asked and Jimin burst into tears making Jungkook panic.

Jungkook quickly pulled his lover for a hug, tapping his back gently to calm him down. "It's okay, Jimin-ah. I'm here for you. Please don't cry." He whispered. "Please honeybun. I'll cry if you don't stop crying." He continued and Jimin sobbed, shaking his head.

"Y-you know how the-"

"Yes I do. I know how they sent you to a camp to 'cure' you. For 3 whole years before they accepted that you weren't gay. But you were still gay. Fell for me. And kept our relationship a secret from them. I do know, Jimin." Jungkook kissed his head. "What do you want me to do?" He asked. "Should I ask my mom to talk to your parents? Or should I talk to you?" Jungkook lifted Jimin's head by his chin, staring into his eyes. "I will do anything for you, Jimin. Just tell me." Jungkook said smiling assuringly.

Jimin sniffed before sighing. "T-they will never accept me. They will disown me. You can't talk them out of it. And I don't want to embarrass mom. My parents will act rude for sure!" He said.

"Fine. Tell me. What solution do you have? I know you have one." Jungkook raised his eyebrow, waiting for Jimin to speak.

Jimin hesitated to speak. He took a deep breath. "I-I w-want you to dress up a-as a w-woman and they will a-accept you." He gulped, staring at Jungkook's chest instead of his face. He was too scared to see his reaction.


"I-I want you to cr-cross dress as a girl. And my parents will believe you are a girl. They will accept our marriage. We can get married and live happily ever after."

Jungkook burst out laughing making Jimin flinch. "Are you serious Jimin? You want me to dress up as a girl so that your parents would accept me? Did you forget about all the problems we have to face because of that lie? We have to keep lying again and again! What name would you put in the marriage certificate?! What if they saw my gender somewhere? Or find my social media? Or my friends stupidly say that I am a man? And for your information, I don't have boobs and vagina. I have dick."

"I-I know, Jungkook. We can tell them Jungkook is a unisex name. And not show other details. I already talked with your friends. And M-mom also. Mom was worried at first but eventually accepted the idea in order to get us married." Jimin stumbled with his words, more tears forming in his eyes. "W-we can lie for a good reason."

Jungkook stared at him in shock. "Y-you already talked with them?!" He asked in disbelief and Jimin nodded. "No, J-"

"I love you, Jungkook. I thought you said you would do anything for me!"

"Anything but tha-"

"Please Jungkook! I-I n-need my parents acceptance." Jimin mumbled.

"They are fucking homophobic, Jimin!! I don't even understand why you care about their opinion!! They believe bullshit, talk bullshit!!" Jungkook grunted angrily, kicking the coffee table.

Jimin flinched when the things on the table fell to the floor, the glass tumbler shattering. "J-Jungkook please calm down." Jimin begged, standing up. "They are my parents, Jungkook." He said.

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