{Josie meets celebrity crushes}

Start from the beginning

"No. Ew. Tony Stark is the worst out of all of them.", Josie pretends to throw up.

"So, who do you think the hottest Avenger is?". asks Alisson.

"I like Spider-Man.", says Liz.

"Who?", Josie asks.

"Spider-Man. You know, Queens very own superhero."

"Queens has a superhero? I've never even heard of him.", shrugs Josie.

"Last time I checked, Spider-Man wasn't an Avenger.", says Lucy.

"He was at that fight in Berlin.", argues Liz.

"Doesn't make him an Avenger.", Josie tells her.

"Isn't Ant Man an Avenger now?", asks Liz.

"There's a difference.", states Josie.

"Is there?", Liz raises her eyebrows.

"Well, the Avengers announced Ant Man as an Avenger and-", Josie began.

"Miss Smith, instead of talking over everybody's performances, would you demonstrate the dance you've been working on this lesson?", the teacher, Coach Brookes, interrupts Josie's conversation.

"We were meant to be working on a dance?", she whispers to Liz, who nods in response, "Shit.", she looks back to the teacher, "I'd love to show you my dance."

She stands up and gets down from the bleachers. Everybody's watching her, and she starts to panic, she's never actually danced in front of anyone before, besides her dance teacher and her dad. Not even Pepper or the Avengers have seen her dancing, and they're her family. She's good though, she knows she is.

The music starts playing and Josie starts dancing, just improvising the entire thing. The music ends and he finishes her dance, everybody gawps at her. She does an awkward curtsy, then goes back to her seat.

"Wow.", says Liz, "That was amazing. I had no idea you danced."

"Yeah, I've been doing it since I was like eight.", Josie says.

"Really? You're good!", Liz exclaims.


They watch everyone else do their performances, until the bell rings and they get up to leave class,

"Josie, could you stay behind for a minute?", Coach Brookes asks.

She turns around slowly, "Sure.", she gives a fake smile. Why does she have to stay behind class so often?

"Do you do dance outside of school?"

"Yeah, I do classes three times a week, and I practice everyday.", she tells the coach.

"Well, I'm coach of the cheerleading team, we could really use someone like you.", Coach Brookes says.

"Cheerleading? I've only ever done dance and a bit of gymnastics."

"That's all you need.", the coach begins to walk out of the sports hall, "See you Thursday for practice!", she calls behind her.

"I didn't say yes!", Josie yells, but Coach Brookes is already gone.

Cheerleading, huh? I wonder how that'll go down with Tony.

*     *     *     *     *

"No.", Tony decides, almost instantly.

"No? Just no?", Josie asks.

"That's what I said, isn't it?"

"Technically, I wasn't so much offered a place on the team, as it was forced into my hands.", she explains, "Which means, I wasn't asking for permission to join, I was just letting you know that I'll be going."

"Joselyn Maria Stark, you've got guts."

"All three names? Really? I don't get why you don't want me joining, it's good for my fitness.", she argues.

"A pep rally is a great place to get shot.", he crosses his arms.

"So is right here. I mean seriously, an ex-weapons storage facility, home to about fifteen of the most dangerous individuals on the planet, and it's literally in the middle of nowhere. Yet you still let me live here."

"Well, in case you forgot, I also live here. The safest place you can be is by my side.", he says.

"Debatable.", she mumbles.

"What do you mean by that?", he asks.


"Joy...", he raises an eyebrow.

"Well, I was by your side when the Mandarin blew up the house, I was by your side when Loki came to New York, I was by your side when Ultron was created.", she says.

He looks guilty, "I know, Jellybean, but if anything happened to you, and I didn't do everything I could to keep you safe, I would never forgive myself."

"Dad, you already protect the entire world, you don't have to protect me constantly. Although, I don't really know how any of what you just said relates to me joining the cheer team."

"It doesn't, really. Cheerleaders are popular, and everybody wants to date cheerleaders. You're too young to have a boyfriend.", he says.

"I just want to dance and yell, 'Go Midtown!', I'm not going to get a boyfriend. Although fifteen is a very reasonable age to get a boyfriend."

"You're not ever having a boyfriend. Especially not a quarterback called Chad or Brad."

His Joy {Peter Parker X Stark's Daughter}Where stories live. Discover now