The child was still running excitedly up and down the wharf, her eyes fixed on the ship. Cobalt was about to yell out a warning to watch where she was going, when she passed by the figure again and a hand shot out, snagging the back of her dress and pulling her gently to a halt.

Obsidian unfolded himself from his position, stretching into standing with a lazy yawn that was hidden behind one hand. His other hand fell down onto the little girl's shoulder, pulling her back to his side casually.

The girl glanced up at him, the wide smile never leaving her face, before looking back out to Cobalt. They were close enough now that Cobalt could hear her words this time when she called to him.

"Cobalt! Cobalt! You can take me with you this time! I won a game of poker against Obsidian!"

Cobalt bellowed out a laugh, and beside him, Hobbson echoed his mirth. Well, that was unexpected.

"One game of poker out of three hundred and sixty-five, does not qualify you to become a Pirate Pearl," Cobalt hooted with a grin, "wait until your Lacy's age. Then we'll talk."

Pearl grimaced, her expression changing from excited to disappointed. "That's not fair!" She yelled across the water, amidst stifled chuckles from the crew, "you promised!"

"Only more proof you're too young to be a Pirate Miss Pearl!" Cobalt called out, "who ever told you to trust a bargain made by Pirates?"

Pearl stuck out her tongue, her cheeks puffing up in defiance. A large hand fell down onto the top of her head, ruffling her hair.

"Better luck next time kiddo," Obsidian yawned. "Oi," he called out to Cobalt across the water, "Hurry up would ya? Everyone is waiting in town."

"Nice to see you too," Cobalt replied sarcastically, his retort lost on his brother's retreating back. Pearl paused for a moment before turning to follow after Obsidian, her hand reaching up to snag his. The Pirate accepted the contact without pause, his head turning as he said something to the little girl. Her scowling face immediately morphed back into a sunny smile as she replied to whatever he had said.

Cobalt lips curled upwards slightly, before he gathered himself, turning back to address his crew.

"You know what to do boys! Let's bring her in."

Amidst the cheers, Cobalt's eyes flickered back to Obsidian thoughtfully. It appeared that the scenery was not the only thing that had changed in the year they had been gone.


The port was as busy as Cobalt had perceived it to be from out on the ocean, the difference to a year ago astounding not just him, but the rest of the crew as well.

"Feel free to have the morning boys," he had told them upon disembarking, "we are in no rush. I will meet up with Nate and Leo and we will start reloading in the afternoon."

"Aye, Sir," had come the resounding reply, and then they had dispersed, leaving Samson and Jacob aboard for security.

"We will see the little lady when she arrives," the big man had said amiably, "and if Leo and Nate make their way here first, I'll start sorting things when they get here."

Obsidian had led Cobalt and Hobbson further into the township, his familiarity with the cobblestone paths easy to see. That was no surprise to Cobalt – Obsidian had always made a point of familiarizing himself with his surroundings – it had been survivors' instinct, to always make sure they had an escape route, to be able to run through the streets and lose any pursuers with ill intentions.

What was surprising for Cobalt, however, was the small girl who hung off Obsidian's hand, chattering happily as they walked down the waterfront. Passers by seemed used to the sight of the odd pair, and both Pearl and Obsidian were greeted respectfully – sentiments which Pearl happily responded to, on Obsidian's behalf as well as her own.

A Dragon's Heart (Book Three in the APK Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now