xxvi. red like roses

Start from the beginning

Another drink. And then another. Lyana was laughing and Nerluce started to laugh too but he didn't know what exactly they were laughing at.

Corbett stood up at one point and started yelling at Nerluce about... something. Nerluce couldn't quite remember what it was but he had found it funny and laughed about that too. The next thing he knew, he and Corbett were in the middle of a drinking contest and they were both laughing with their arms wrapped around one another like they were best friends.

Lyana appeared in Corbett's place at the table. A deck of cards was between them. They were both laughing and piling coins into the pot. Nerluce's hand was shit. He laughed at this and raised. The cards went fluttering up in the air. The coins disappeared and drinks appeared in their place. Nerluce laughed and tipped his back.

Then the cards were gone and Jurine was there and she grabbed Nerluce's hand, pulling him from his seat and onto his feet. There was music and everyone was dancing. Nerluce didn't know who asked who to dance but Jurine and he were pressed together. She smelled nice. Nerluce found this funny too. He lived with Jurine but he'd never noticed how she always smelled like rose petals.

She probably had some nice perfume... no that wasn't right, Jurine didn't wear perfume. Nerluce would've noticed if she did, right? 

And then Nerluce woke up on the floor.

He sat up with a groan. The candlelight stung his eyes as Eko helped pull him to his feet. Nerluce squinted and looked around but he didn't know what exactly he was looking for. Maybe his memories because he wasn't sure where they went. Gods he hadn't been that drunk in... a while now.

"What time is it?" Nerluce asked, rubbing his head.

"About a candle mark until sunrise," Eko said as they roused Jurine as well. She mumbled something unintelligible before waking up. "We need to leave now if we want to get back to Ethera in time."

"In time for what?" Nerluce asked. He still wasn't processing things quite right. He barely even remembered what had happened after he entered the tavern.

"I feel like shit," Lyana grumbled, coming up to Nerluce.

"How long have you been up?" Nerluce asked, looking her up and down. She looked like a wreck, her curly hair practically a ball of frizz. However, Nerluce would guess that he probably didn't look that much better.

Lyana shrugged, gesturing to Hamelin, who had Corbett draped over his shoulders once again. "He woke me up."

"The drink here is good, though, right?" Nerluce asked, cocking a brow.

"Yeah," Lyana said, nodding. "That delayed effect thing just about killed me." She shook her head. "I think I was one drink away from dying tonight." Her lips parted in a wry smile. "We've got to do this again."

"Totally," Nerluce said, bobbing his head.

"If you do I'm not helping," Eko said, narrowing their eyes at the pair of them. Jurine was on her feet but looked a little unsteady. They were probably all still half drunk. "Alright Hamelin, you got Corbett? Let's head out of here."

Hamelin grunted and their little party made their way out of the tavern.

They walked in pairs up the mountain. Eko - who Nerluce learned hadn't drunk anything last night - and Jurine lead the way. Then there was Nerluce and Lyana who ended up clinging to one another just to stay upright. Bringing up the rear was Hamelin - who had only drunk a reasonable amount - carrying Corbett - who had learned nothing and was out cold. Though the drinking contest probably hadn't helped.

Nerluce smiled.

"It's way too cold," Lyana said. Beside him, Nerluce felt her start to shiver. "Who's bright idea was to do this in the middle of winter. We should do it in the summer. That way we won't die of frostbite trying to get up the mountain."

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