"He's my mother's husband. But I'm not his biological daughter." She said and looked down at her hands. "He's been a drunkard and abusing ever since I can remember." Her fingers curled on the skirt she's wearing. Trying to stop herself from remembering how he used to hit her in the past.

"And he got reported when you were in Highschool..." Hoseok looked at the file on his screen and read from it. "You reported him Mr. Min..."

Yoongi nodded in response. "Yes. I was actually living in the US with my father before that. When I came to know about this, it was already too late." He sighed. "She couldn't do it earlier because she had no one else to take care of her."

Mihyun could only stare down and stay silent. She doesn't know why her mother abandoned her and left her with the maniac but if it wasn't for Yoongi, she wouldn't have survived it. Although he was a little late, she was glad he came.

"He was in jail for 10 years now. He got out about recently, about six months ago and he's been stalking her ever since." Hoseok said making her surprised. She didn't know she's been followed for that long. Or maybe he didn't let her know until now because he was looking for the right time to attack.

"He's mentally unstable. Also very heavily addicted to alcohol and stuff. Why did they even let him out?" Yoongi looked disappointed.

"We can't hold someone in without a solid reason Mr. Min. He's had his punishment over the 10 years. We can't just extend his stay." Hoseok sighed this time. "But don't worry we have a reason now. We have witnesses and proves to keep him behind the bars for another 10 years." He assured. Typing some more.

"Please do that." She softly said. "I can't let him make me live in fear anymore. My childhood was ruined as it is."

The air felt cold around her. But for the first time, it wasn't judgmental in a police station. Hoseok looked anything but that.

"I'm sorry Miss Min." He said. "I'll make sure he gets what he deserves."

The last name he said made her look up and she was about to say she's not a Min but again like that day, Yoongi stopped her. She sighed. Failing to protest.

"That'll be all. I think you won't have to visit me anymore." Hoseok smiled with a nod.

"Hope to meet you under better circumstances officer Jung." Yoongi shook hands with him before standing up. She also bowed to him politely and turned to leave.

But then she saw someone very familiar coming into the station. The person's too focused on the file in hand that she wasn't noticed at all. Her legs froze nonetheless.

Fuck...why's Seokjin oppa here I can't let him see me here...

"Oh? Detective Kim?" Hoseok called for him from her back and she cursed under her breath. Jung Hoseok didn't seem so idiot until now.

"Yeah officer Jung-" Seokjin looked up,  stopping to see the familiar face which belonged to her. "Mihyun?"

She awkwardly smiled as Yoongi looked confused as well as Hoseok. She looked at Yoongi and then Seokjin again.

"Hi...oppa..." she felt like hiding somewhere where no one can ask her questions now. One, Yoongi had no idea who Seokjin is and secondly, Seokjin will now ask why she's here and who's Yoongi. She's doomed. To say.

"You know him?" Yoongi asked first. His instincts kicking in.

"And may I know who you are?" Seokjin asked Yoongi. His voice authoritative and hands carefully folded against his chest. Not helping Yoongi's temper at all.

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