The Chosen One

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I gave Archie a kiss and hug, then walked back home. I knew everything now, I was glad I did. I would go home accept the challenge, and I may even have to...... get married. I know it sounds weird. I thought, "If it's traditional in our family, then I'll have to pass it down. It also wasn't at all creepy that I had my picture on the glass. Yep, I found out I was in that picture. I couldn't believe I could not identify myself. I just would have never thought I would be on there. I guess I am. I even came up with a nickname for myself, The Chosen One. I am chosen by the glass, right. I got home, and found dad fixing the front door. Before I did anything, I had to talk to him.
"Hey daddy.
"Oh hey sweetie, do you want to get in?
"No not really, I actually wanted to talk to you.
"Um, maybe later sweetie I'm really busy.
"Dad have you been avoiding me?
"What? That's ridiculous, why would you say that?
"Well you haven't been talking to me.
"I am talking to you now.
"Dad, you know what I mean!
Awkward silence.
"Why do you guys wanna send me away?
"What? Who said anything about sending you away?
"Well remember when you guys were outside my bedroom door? I heard you talking and you guys wanted to send me away.
" *laugh* You thought we were sending you away?
"OK, first of all, we aren't sending you away.
"Really, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
"You won't regret this decision, but what were you guys talking about.
"We were thinking about getting rid of the glass.
"But you can't it's family tradition, and why did you guys say it would effect me.
"Honey, you know how you have everything always been there for you?
"What do you mean?
"You always have the good luck, good room, good grades, money.
"Well yeah.
"It was always because of that glass.
"But it was already ruining my life, how could it effect me anymore.
"When it broke your luck changed from good to bad, if we get rid of it you won't have any luck.
"Why me?
"Your picture, it's on it.
"How did it get there?
"Your mom put it there, and it never got out.
"But I I I I.
"Honey I know it's a lot to take in.
"I gotta go.

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