The Unknown Address

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Finally, after about three or four hours, Max let me leave. We laughed, made jokes, and we played games. Then, as I was leaving, and I got a text. The best one I ever got. I danced a little, then I walked home.

"16 Kanspirien Hiepy Street.

It was Lily's address. Although it said nothing. I was sure. It looked like somewhere Lily would live. I didn't have to walk today, daddy said he will drive me. Although I have never been there before, I told dad where to go, and we had a coversation.

"Go right...

"So um honey...

"Two lefts and another right...yes.

"Um so how is your life going?

"OK, now you see over there, go staright...good.

"No problems, nothing gone terribly wrong?

"Now make a U turn, and another right, I wouldn't say terribly wrong.

"What do you mean?

"Now go straight and you'll be on the highway.

Then I thought about his question. I looked him deeply in the eye.

"Only if your best friend moving away, your band wanting you out, and your mom not talking to you counts as no problems, then I have no problems.

"Oh sorry sweetie.

"Dad take the nearest's fine.

"You know it's not just the glass making your life so hard, life is hard.

"Go straight.

It was a long way, took about an hour. I didn't say anything else except the directions. We finally arrived. I got out of the car, and there was a gaint sign in bold letters.


Shattered GlassOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora