Bad Luck

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Archie knew that if he either wanted to talk or not, I would get it out of him. So he started explaining.
"You know how people wear their shirts inside out for good luck.
"Well, your family kept that glass for good luck.
"My whole family, everyone.
"What do you mean.
"If my family keeps it for good luck, and it was passed on, why do we have it.
"Well, your grandma chose to give it to you, she thought you were gifted.
" *snort* me.
"Yeah kiddo, and you are.
"Part of the tradition was the glass would choose one person, and it chose you.
"But it's making my life bad.
"How old are you.
"What? Why?
"What kind of vocabulary do you have my life bad wow.
"It gave me bad luck, you happy now.
"And it didn't give you bad luck, it's giving you obstacles.
"I'm sixteen.
"You asked how old I am, I'm sixteen.
"Oh yeah.
"Hey Archie, when are you getting married.
" *laugh* you sure you're sixteen, and not five.
"It wasn't part of the deal that I grow up.
"Oh, so know there's a deal.
"Yeah, there was always a deal.
"What's that.
"I will never ever give up no matter what.
"That was the deal.
"Are you gonna break it.
"What do you mean?
"Are you gonna give up on the challenges the glass gives you.
I didn't answer. I looked at the piece of glass I am holding. I knew who was in the picture now. I knew the answer to Archie's question.

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