Chapter 73 Satou's Flashback/ Joker vs Satou

Start from the beginning

The third female stops a few feet away from Satou and Shio from behind.

"Give it up. You won't win against the six of us." Darkshock says.

"What did we do?" Satou asks as she holds the knife ready to strike.

Darkshock chuckles. "Oh nothing much. All you done is kill people who tried to hurt the kid you are holding." he replies as he looks at Shio. "But. I want to see how strong you truly are. So I'll be killing the girl."

Shio looked scared. Satou eyes glow.

"Shadow Hunter. Split them up." Darkshock says.

The female from Darkshock left side nods. Shadow Hunter dashes at them with her eyes glowing from the mask. Satou blocks the claw. Another claw appears from Shadow hunter other hand and slashes at Satou.

"AUGH!" Satou backs away.

Shadow Hunter dashes at Satou. Satou grabs her other knife. The two begin to attack each other. Shio looked scared. The two males dash towards Shio. Shio screams. Satou kicks Shadow Hunter away from her and runs to Shio. The third female eyes glow, revealing her wings. She charges at Satou. Satou stops and swings her knife. The third female spins to block and hit Satou with the wings. The males hold Shio. Darkshock and the female next to him begin to walk towards Shio. Shio begins to struggle from escaping their grasps.

"Amusing how someone can't protect the ones they love from dangerous people." Darkshock says.

Satou was dodging the female's wings. Shadow Hunter appears from behind, slashing Satou's back.

"ARGH!" Satou felt blood coming out of her back.

The third female slams Satou to the ground. Shadow Hunter and the third female hold Satou. Shadow Hunter forces Satou to watch the others.

Darkshock holds Shio from the back of her neck. Shio was crying and scared. The two males let go of Shio. They and the female just stare at Satou struggling.

"Tell me little girl. How much does that bitch mean to you?" Darkshock asks.

"Satou-chan is important. Someone I care about." Shio replies while tears still fall.

'I'm gonna kill them all!!!!' Satou clenches her teeth as she continues to struggle.

"And how much does this little girl mean to you bitch?" Darkshock asks.

"I love her! She fills the emptiness in my heart. And I am glad to have her in my life." Satou replies.

"Isn't that sweet. But, you do know it's so wrong to be in love with someone like her age. It's so disgusting." Darkshock replies. "Your like what...? At least ten years older?"

"It doesn't matter! I love her!" Satou replies. "I truly love her."

"I can tell in your 'crazy' eyes that you are speaking the truth. I applauded you for that. HOWEVER! I really don't give a fuck." Darkshock laughs.

"I'LL KILL YOU! ALL OF YOU! Shio! I'll get us out of here. I promise." Satou struggles to escape.

"Satou-chan." Shio smiles.

"Actually. Don't make promises you can't keep dumbass. After all, who are you saving?" Darkshock asks as he pierces Shio's chest.

Satou widens her eyes as tears begin to fall. Shio looked down to see Darkshock's hand coming out of her chest with her heart in his hand.

"S-Satou-chan........?" Shio looks at Satou.

Darkshock removes his hand and looks at the heart. "Huh. Look at that. Guess it is full of life. Must that 'love' you were speaking about."

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