46. Because You & I Are Dangerous

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     I sat on the back step of the house with the bottle of whiskey next to me when I heard the back door click shut.

                I glanced over my shoulder as Graham was looking back at me.

                “How do I keep fucking up with everything?”

                Graham sat down next to me, “You aren't fucking up everything.”

                “Jensen, I can't be with him anymore.”

                Graham nodded his head. “I know that feeling.”

                I grinned back at him, “Have you ever looked up at the sky and thought about what is going on and how good life could be if we weren’t us?”

                “You mean if we didn’t have the blood we did?”

                I glanced down at the bottle that Graham was handing over to me.

                “Jordana, our lives have always been hard and they will always be hard. We can't think that one day it will be light and full of butterflies, we are who we are and nothing can change.”

                “What if we could change everything?” I looked back at him.

                “Jordana, nothing is changing.”

                “Something will change Graham when we go back home.”

                “Speaking of home, have you been hearing about it?”

                I shook my head back at him, “What do you mean?”

                “You know the road that your house sits on?”

                “You mean governor’s avenue?” I glanced back at him.

                “All of the houses on that road were burnt down besides your house.” Graham glanced back at me.

                I smiled back at him, “You think the Darkness did that?”

                “Did you destroy that block?”

                I laughed back at him, “Who do you think is running the Red Zone?”

                “The fuck is you thinking kid?”

                “I am thinking that as long as I can control the problem then I have a hand up on the problem. Life hasn’t been easy and you know that Graham but the cards that have been dealt to us are nothing we can change, but I can change something else.”

                Graham narrowed his eyes back at me, “Jordana what are you trying to say?”

                “I'm saying that when we go home that everything is gonna change.” I smiled back at him.

                “When we go home, I become the slave that I was brought up to be.” Graham looked back out toward the yard.

                “You will be with me, like I said everything is gonna change.”

                “You can't change me and what I am.” Graham grabbed the bottle and tossed it back.

                “You are the person that is gonna help me through everything Graham.”

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