35. And I Have Felt the Pain of Losing Who You Are

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Syracuse, NY     

                Mrs. Kavanaugh walked down the main staircase of their New York mansion to find her son in the living room. “You are up late.”

                Christian glanced back at her, “My life when I was younger was something I never understood. I mean I got out of so much and I just thought that it was because of you and Dad but I didn’t know that it went deeper than that.”

                Mrs. Kavanaugh sat down next to him, “This town was built on pain and blood of our ancestors. Many of them died for this town and many of them are still dying for this town.”

                Christian looked back at the photo album in his hands, “I didn’t know you had a lot of photos of Jordana in here.”

                “Of course she was a massive part of Cassie’s life and I mean that girl was always around here.” Mrs. Kavanaugh smiled back at her son. “That girl was a big part of your sister’s life and yours.”

                Christian looked back at his mother, “First time you ever said that about Jordana.”

                “I see the life that she brings you Christian, I can't have you thinking that the other girl will do the same for you.”

                Christian sat back in the couch, “I can't leave this town.”

                His mother looked back at him.

                “I mean Jordana lost her parents because they were starting something. They wanted change in this town and they paid for it with their lives. I can't leave now when this place needs me.”

                “Now Christian do you understand what you are saying?” his mother looked at him.

                “I'm coming back home to save my home.” Christian said as he got up from the couch.

                Mrs. Kavanaugh let a smile form on her lips as her son walked out of the living room. “That is exactly what I wanted you to say.”


Vancouver, Canada

                Jensen sat down on the couch in the living room of Danneel’s house as Danneel walked down the steps, “I'm heading out for a meeting. I will be back in another hour or so.”

                Jensen waved back at her as she went out of the front door.

                Jensen reached over for the remote when his phone went off.

                He looked down as it was Jared.

                He unlocked his phone and saw the message.

                Jared: Jordana has been missing for days and Genevieve took off with the boys. They are working with the people who attacked us at the funeral. Be careful after Danneel.

                Jensen sat up as he heard Danneel’s car leave the garage. He got up slowly and went to the door to see her going down the street.

                He turned back to the living room then took off for the steps.

                He ran up the steps at 3 at a time tripping on the top step.

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