Sehun & Baekhyun ~ Fire

Start bij het begin

"Omma..." I called with my little kid's voice. "I won't do that, I promise."

But after meeting for a few times, Minhyuk and I quickly became friends. Our mothers slowly have gotten to know each other, and it took a while to know that our families didn't go well with each other based on our backgrounds.

Minhyuk and his mother were Cursians, while my family were Exopians. With our planets fighting and enemies with each other, our people wouldn't get along with their people. It was just logic. And for at least a year to know each other a bit more, it wasn't hard for both our families to find about who we really were. And due to all this rivalry, Minhyuk hyung had to move away from my neighborhood to a  new one. I doubt that he remembers me, but we made some pretty good memories.

I sometimes look at the happy photos we took, with the both of us smiling happily without a care in the world. But if you add the truth, our people tell us that we can't be together and we have to hate each other. I didn't hate hyung. Although now I've seen his true self, I do hate him.

And sometimes I wonder if the same will happen with Sarang. I mean, she's both Cursian and Exopian. Even though the king loved Sarang's mom, he didn't hesitate to marry her and treat her like his wife. There wasn't a rule that Cursians and Exopians couldn't interact with each other. There wasn't a law either. Except if you count that one announcement that the Elders told our planet: Cursians are our enemy. Why? Just look at our history.

I believe that's just absurd, and that it doesn't make sense. Most magicals and Cursians get along fine. It's just that when they're reminded about what kind of people they are, they push each other away.

It's currently night time, and everyone has finished their dinner. I was walking around the palace to try to get some air. After eating, Sarang joined Kris and her cousin outside to test her flying skills. I walk out towards a balcony, and I remember when it was just yesterday when Sarang held me tight as she flew high into the sky with the younglings.

My heart beated so much, I thought that adrenaline was going to take over. And Sarang's comforting touch made me feel at ease when she flew hundreds of feet above the ground. I can say that I do have feelings for her, but what will happen? I'm always constantly worried about the future, where Minhyuk hyung can kidnap us once again and make us his slaves and kill the people we love most.

I sighed as I watched the moon like an interesting movie. I studied the black sky, and saw a figure gliding in the wind as it was followed by two more figures. It must be them. I thought.

Whenever Sarang gets a new power, she gets closer and has some sort of connection to the person. Now, I can feel that my connection with Sarang is sort of weak. But if she uses her wind powers, I would probably feel it.

And watching Sarang fly with Kris, it... it just makes me feel lonely. I want to be loved too. I want to have a relationship with hyung again, but I don't know if he's going to change. Why can't we all just get along? Why do things have to be like this?

The wind blows my hair, and the breeze makes my clothes ruffle. I watch the gigantic reptiles fly in the air, and envied their ability to fly and get along.

I felt wind coming out of my hands, and I looked at my left palm. Suddenly, I didnt feel the ground anymore. I was... floating.

Wait. If I can control wind... then can't I fly? I've always been curious about if I could fly or not, and here's my chance I guess. And if I fall to my death, maybe someone will save me.

Yeah. Someone will save me. Someone will.


Baekhyun ~ << The Light >>

EXO IS IN LOVE WITH ME?!!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu