
"Everybody remember the plan?" I ask while we're driving towards Miami.

"The prisoner convoy will be taking a turn at a crossroad in front of the Blackwood Hotel. We will plant bombs there and then surprise them. Expect heavy resitance from police units, many of them will be armored." Portnova stats.

"I'll plant the explosives while the rest of you get into position." Beck informs us. 

We arrive at a small harbor for private yachts and disembark from the dinghy. "You sure you'll be able to do it alone?"

"Our intel says that the police has set up roadblocks, but didn't position any officers along the way. I'll be fine." he reassures me. I nod and we all put on our Balaklavas, so nobody can get a look at our faces.

"Any civilians in the area?" I ask. 

Portnova shakes her head. "The civilians were ordered to stay indoors until the convoy has passed through. Most of them are public buildings anyway like bars, clubs and tourist centers. They were closed off."

"Good." I simply state. The last thing we need right now is getting civilians caught in the crossfire.

"You know what to do. Get to your positions." Portnova order us.

It takes just 15 minutes or so for us to get everything ready. Beck returns from his little detour and no hids with us in small, dark alleyway. "Bombs are ready." he tells us.

"Good. Now we wait." I say and look at my watch. 1:30 am. There should be here  any minute now.

Just as expected, the convoy starts rolling through the street. I peek around the corner and lift my hand for the signal. "Wait for it.... Wait for it...."

Suddenly, a gigantic explosion rips one of the armored vehicles into pieces of scrap metal. I turn around to Beck. "What the hell?! I told you to wait!" But I quickly realise that he seems to be just as confused as me. And I also see that his finger isn't even on the detonator.

"That... wasn't me." he says in shock.

I hear gunfire and take another peek around the corner. Several individuals all dressed in black start attacking the convoy from all directions, coming out of some houses and alleys, shooting with everything they have. I recognice their fighting style and coordination. "It's Perseus. I'm sure they want to get rid of the prisoner. No witnesses."

"Then what are we waiting for." Vargas asks. "Let's get in there guns blazing."

Seeing no other choice, I look around to other members of the team. All of them nod. "Alright then."

We storm out of our hiding spot and start attacking both the police and Perseus Hitmans and caught both of them by surprise. As we move forward, a Perseus operative emerges from a car in front of me and manages to grab my gun and points it at me. With quick speed, I pull out my knife and stab him between the head and the shoudler. As he screams in pain, his own pistol and shoot him right between the eyes. "Nothing personal." I tell the corpse.

"Over there!" Portnova shouts, pointing at a group of officers escorting someone into the Blackwood Hotel, chased by the operatives. It must be the prisoner. "After them!"

As we enter the hotel lobby, we see a few dead officers and hitman but also a couple of civilains. They seem to be part of the hotel personal. We also find a woman behind the counter, cowering in fear and her work unifrom covered in blood, screaming as she sees us and begging for mercy. "Where did they go?" Powers asks her. The woman shiffers and shields herself from us with her hands. "Where?!" she repeats, this time more demanding.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War - Operation Red StarWhere stories live. Discover now