Hidden In Plain Sight

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Rose left the hospital the next day, feeling much better and happy— they were having a girl. Rose always wanted a daughter, and it was made even better by her father being Sam.
As Sam and Rose were taking a walk in the park, Rose's phone went off and she answered it with a smile, "hey Frank! You working on a Saturday? Must be serious." She laughed.

She made eye contact with Sam who had run off to grab hotdog from a cart down the path. She mouthed 'Frank' with a thumbs up. He walked back over to her, hotdog in hand, looking happy as ever— he loved 'dirty water' hotdogs.

"Wow... well I won't miss him, but how much again?!" Rose asked into the phone. "Jesus.. uhm, how does this work? Can it be direct deposited or do I need to come in and take the check to my bank? Sorry.. I just.. have no idea." She chuckled.

Sam rubbed her back, confused as he waited for her to her off the phone. "Okay Frank, I'll see if I can get off Monday.. and I'll pop over and we can discuss further then. See ya. Thanks."

"Babe?" Sam asked as he grabbed her hand after finishing his hotdog.

"So.. apparently my parents had a combined life insurance policy of $550,00... and guess who fucking new, but hid it from me.." Rose was fuming.

"Jesus.. you're kidding?!" Sam sighed. "But is it yours now?"

"Yeah.. cause apparently Mike killed himself and they found it while going through his records and shit." Rose was the least bit bothered by the news of Mike's death.
He took his own life while out on bail, awaiting trial for the assault and restraining order violation— of Rose and Sam. He blew his brains out.
"Well shit.. That's wow, uhm a lot to take in, babe. The money I mean, it's literally a lot to take in," Sam winked trying to make Rose feel better.

It worked, she cracked a smile. "Can I have off Monday?" She laughed, "I gotta handle some shit.."

"Want me to come with?" Sam replied.

"Actually yes. But we both can't take off.." Rose sighed.

"I'm the boss— yes we can!" Sam winked. Rose smiled at him and pulled him into a kiss, "thanks babe!"
"Ready to do this babe?" Sam asked Rose Monday morning.

"Yep.. let's go get my money!" She smiled back as she kissed him.

The two walked toward the train station and boarded the subway for her lawyer's office. There were a few dark clouds overhead, but the forecast didn't call for rain, so the couple decided to walk from the subway station instead of taking a cab.

They finally made it to Rose's lawyer's office and went inside. The office was on the 10th floor of a high rise in Queens— beautiful view of the river and boroughs.
"Rose! How are you holding up? And congrats!" Frank said as he greeted his client in the lobby of his practice.

"Frank, hello. I'm doing well, thank you! This is Sam," Rose smiled back.

"Sam, nice to meet you. Come in!" The brown eyed man gestured for them to follow him into his office.

"Please sit!" Frank smiled as he directed the couple to sit in two blue chairs in front of his desk. Their backs were to the large window that lit the entirety of Frank's large office. "So yeah, as I mentioned on the phone, your ex was hiding a great deal of money from you. Your parents' life insurance policies— $550,00.00, $275,000 each. Which is an insane amount of money— it all goes to you. We don't know how he was able to hid it, but he did. But now it's all yours," Frank finished with a smile.

"Well that's crazy... I don't even know how to process it," Rose said. "I mean, I do have a few things that I'd use the money for. Am I allowed to do that?"

"Yep, your parents died many years ago and had their funeral arrangements taken care of way before they died— people do that. But they said that the life insurance can be used by you, however you need it," Frank smiled carefully.

"Okay great," Rose smiled back as she caressed Sam's hand with her thumb. "So now what?"

"How does she get the money?" Sam added as he looked at Rose with a supportive smile.

"Ahh.. I'm getting there." Frank said as he stood up and walked over to a filing cabinet that was next to his desk. "Take this check to the bank, with this letter." Frank handed the two items to Rose and Sam, before sitting back down at his desk. "Let me know if you run into any issues."

"Thanks Frank! We'll go today?" Rose said as she looked at Sam, who smile and nodded.

"Great! Good to see you Rose," Frank said as he stood again to shake their hands. "Good to meet you Sam."

"You too," the couple answered.
"Well babe, let's go to the bank." Sam said as he rubbed Rose's back, and the two of them headed toward the subway to travel to the bank.

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