At First Sight

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Rose got ready for work, as she always did, and took the train into Brooklyn, as she always did. She was in a hurry to get to work, her happy place. Her safe space.

She did the best she could hiding her black eyes and swollen lips with her make up, but Pete noticed. "Rose.." he had sad eyes as he looked at her face.

"It's fine Pete. My usual please," she instructed sternly. She looked at him with comforting eyes, as he met hers and smiled carefully. Pete didn't often notice when she covered her bruises, so it must've been bad for him to say something to her.

"Here you go, miss Rose. On the house," he said when he handed her her bagel.

"Pete.. it's okay, really. I'm fine. I.. uh.. the door.." she sniffed. "Thanks Pete." He tipped his hat to Rose and she strolled off to her office.
She pulled out her phone and flipped the camera on to see if her bruises were really that noticeable under her make up. They were.

"Shit!" She exclaimed when she got onto the elevator. Rose knew she couldn't do much more than what she already did, so her plan was as it always is.. Pretend she has no idea what anyone is talking about— smile and wave.

She walked to her desk, flipped on her light, then headed for the kitchen.

"Good morning!" She said to the body who was leaning into the fridge. Rose patiently waited her turn, making sure to hide her face as best she could.

"Ah, there we are!" Sam exclaimed as he arose from the fridge. "Oh, good morning Rose!" He was wearing khakis and a blue polo shirt that matched his eyes. Rose had to advert her gaze so he didn't catch her starring.

"Morning Sam!" She smiled, while keeping her gaze on the ground. She walked toward the fridge and found a place for her lunch. She chuckled, "glad to see you remembered to label your food!" The fridge door shut and Rose made eye contact with Sam, then panicked.

"It's none of my business Rose.. well actually it kind of is, since I'm your supervisor. But.. your face. Are you okay?" He cleared his throat.

"I'm fine. Yes. I just.. uh, ran into my bedroom door, like an idiot." She chuckled awkwardly.

"Must've been a pretty heavy door," Sam raised an eyebrow at her.

"It's a heavy door.. yeah. I'll see ya later," she sniffed as she walked past Sam and towards her cubicle.

She sat down in a huff and took her wedding ring off, as she did every time she left the condo. She didn't want people making assumptions that the person who gave her that ring was the one who caused her face to look like punching bag. She felt herself panicking so she threw her other ring off, and worked to center herself at her desk.

"Morning Rose!" She heard Isabelle call, and turned around. "Jesus Christ.. again?!" Izzy said with frustration, yet sadness.

"It's fine.. I was late. And probably because I missed his calls.. ha." Rose said.

"For fucks sake. You gotta come live with me!"

"It's.. fine. I can't do that.." the tears started to creep closer to the front of Rose's eyes, so she sniffed them away. As she did, Mark walked up and saw her face. "Fucking asshole.."

"Shh!" Rose snapped as she saw Sam walking briskly down the hallway.

"Morning all!" He beamed. He was so sexy, everything about him. The way he carried himself, the way he said hello, even the way his caring eyes searched her face for a sense of what happened.

"Morning! Morning!" The replies echoed. Rose subtly watched his perfectly taught buttocks walk into his office and she felt herself get hot again.

"You should tell him, maybe he can help." Isabelle said.

"It's not his business.." Rose faded away as she thought about her friends words.

"Maybe you should make it his business,"
Izzy said. Rose barely heard, but knew what she said.
After lunch, Rose decided to take Izzy's advice. The whole floor were friends, and knew almost everything about one another, so why not Sam too? Even if he couldn't help, which Rose didn't think he could, he would at least excuse her when she's late.

Rose approached Sam's office, and paused. She looked at him, looking at his computer and biting his lip, seemingly from concentration. She was overcome by lust and infatuation, as she bit her lip subconsciously, and told her feet to walk again.

*knock, knock, knock* "excuse me, Sam?" Rose started.

"Ah, Rose! Come on in!" Sam's eyes glistened like the sea when she looked in them. He gestured for her to sit in one of the comfortable red chairs across from his desk. "How can I help you Rose?"

She took a deep breath, "well sir. There is something I think.. you should be vaguely aware of. But you cannot, under ANY circumstances tell anyone outside of this office. Okay? Please.."

Her sadness caused Sam's heart to ache at her pain, "okay.. what's going on Rose?"

She cleared her throat this time, "I know you noticed the bruises on my face." She cleared her throat again, "and well.. I didn't walk into a door. Mmhmm." Rose tried her hardest to not let any tears fall, as crying at work is highly inappropriate.

"Oh. I.. see," Sam replied as he rubbed the back of his neck and became visibly agitated. "Uhm.. that guy who's picture you have on your desk?"

"Yes.. that's why I have it turned around, ha."

"Makes sense. Boyfriend.... or...?"

"Uhm.. husband," Rose cleared her throat again, but this time it was out of shame. "Please, please do not tell anyone else. Please. I'm telling you so that if I'm ever late, you know why. I can deal with it. Please.."

Sam grunted in frustration as he stood up and paced around his office, "I'm totally against this! I can't promise you that..."

"NO! If you wanna keep me alive, you will!" Rose begged.

"Jesus... are you sure you're okay? I just can't sit here though.."

"Well you have to!" Rose raised her voice a little bit. "I don't know why I told you! You're gonna get me killed..." as much as she tried, she couldn't hold them back anymore. The tears started to fall.

Sam began to panic as he walked over to the chair that Rose sat in and knelt down, "Rose. I promise I will not hurt you, or get you hurt... I will do my best to keep you safe. This conversation doesn't leave this office. Swear." He looked at her with deep concern, and care.

"Okay. Thanks. I haven't been late from anything in months, but I wanted to tell you in case I am late.. so sorry for the tears. That's so unprofessional," Rose chuckled awkwardly.

"It's okay.." Sam said with his gentle smile. He went to rub her cheek, but remembered they're supervisor-subordinate and held back.

"Thanks Sam, I'm sorry again. Just ignore it."

"I can't do that. But I will try to for you," Sam made eye contact with Rose as he gripped the handles of the chair she sat in, and her heart fluttered as the butterflies took over and she had to focus on something else. Is this what love at first sight feels like?

Where The Daises BloomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora