In The Rain

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Rose and Sam were a month into their restraining order against Mike, and so far there didn't seem to be any issues. Neither of them had seen him at any of the places he wasn't allowed to be at, or even ones he was allowed at.

Rose is 4 months pregnant, and glowing. Every time Rose and Sam cuddled on the couch or in bed, Sam needs to be touching her belly. It brings him so much joy— he's the proudest soon-to-be dad ever.
"Hello? Oh, hi Frank! You're kidding.. he did?! Finally! Make sure you file that shit like yesterday.. cause I would like to marry Sam sooner rather than later," Rose laughed on the phone. "That's great news. Thank god. He sucks. Thanks Frank!"

"Well he signed it babe!" Rose yelled into Sam in the bedroom.

"What?! He did?" Sam yelled as he emerged, shirtless and wet. He ran his fingers through his wet hair and smacked Rose on the ass.

"Yep! That was Frank.. he just got the papers, all signed properly.. and all signed!"

"Well damn! Thank god!" Sam said as he pulled her into a kiss and spun her around the kitchen. "And... I heard a little bit of your conversation... Do you really wanna marry me?" He lit up at the thought.

The two started to dance around to the sound of the rain tapping on their roof and windows, as they locked eyes, "of course Sam. I'm in love with you, and for the first time in a long time, I know what it's like to be loved."

"Good cause I wanna marry you too." Sam left her in the middle of the kitchen and ran into the bedroom. He came back out with his hands behind his back. Sam dropped to his knees, and slid toward Rose.

Rose laughed and smiled down at the man she was hopelessly in love with, as he produced a tiny black box from behind his back. He opened the lid to reveal a beautiful rose gold ring, princess cut, shinning as bright as the North Star. "Rose Elizabeth Nicolas, I've loved you since the day I met you, and I will love you till the day I die. I wanted to wait, to make sure you'd say yes, but I felt now's a good time.. will you marry me?" Sam's eyes widened with hope as the blue-green was flooded with happy tears.

Rose cupped her hands to her mouth and let the tears fall, "Samuel Alexander Marsten.. I love you so much. I knew it the first time you kissed me.. that I was going to marry you one day. You are the light of my days, and I will absolutely marry you!" He picked her up and spun her around into a kiss. He removed the ring from it's box, and lovingly placed it on her left ring finger. It was a near perfect fit.
"Babe! Movie tonight?" Sam called to Rose who was in the bathroom.

"Hmm.. what genre do we do on Saturday's usually?" She yelled back.

"Comedies I think..."

"We think? Let's make it so!.. Animal House?"

"Hell yeah! That's my future wife!" He clapped as he got up to look for the dvd. Rose appeared from the bathroom and stopped at the kitchen to grab the freshly popped popcorn, and some drinks.

"Thanks babe!" Sam recited as he carefully took the small green bowl from Rose's hands. Before she sat down, she paused for a moment, taking in the beads of rain racing down their large window, distorting the lights of city behind them. Rose loved living in Brooklyn— she loved working there too. It was by far her favorite borough.

"Sorry babe, just watching the rain," Rose smiled to herself as she sat down.

Sam immediately placed a hand on her growing belly, and leaned up to kiss her. "I love you," he said as he pressed play on the movie.

"I love you too," Rose smiled back.
*knock, knock*

Rose and Sam looked crookedly at each other, and checked the time.

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