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"Rose! It's mom! Just calling to tell you good luck on your first day at the big PR firm. You're going to do amazing! Love you."

"Rosie E. It's dad, good luck at the new gig. Love you kiddo."
Rose closed out of her voicemail and waited for Mike to come home. She spent all evening thinking about Mr. Samuel Marsten— his smile, his eyes, the way he cared for her when she told him about Mike.

"Rose! Where the fuck are you?! Where's dinner?" Mike screamed from downstairs.
Rose completely forgot to leave dinner out for Mike, and she started to panic at the thought of his wrath.

"Want me to order pizza?" She choked out.

There was silence, then the sound of plates crashing to the floor. Rose ran downstairs in a panic— "what happened?" She just barely ducked a plate that came flying at her head. "Michael! What the fuck are you doing?!"

"All I want, when I get home, is a fucking hot dinner. Why is that so god damn hard to understand?! Jesus Christ!" Mike was screaming as he continued to litter the kitchen with plates.

As he threw another one, his face grew redder and Rose knew she was close to becoming a punching bag again. "Sweetheart, I'm so sorry!" Tears flooded from Rose's brown eyes, as she begged him not to hurt her, "it was an accident! I'll make you dinner right now!"

"It's almost 8:00! I like to eat dinner at 7:00, so why the fuck would I want dinner now?!" He raised his voice and walked toward her.

"I know.. I'm sorry sweetheart, I'm sorry!" Rose was sobbing, barely understandable.

"You will be.." Mike was in one of his rage-modes as he stomped toward Rose.

Rose was hiding behind their grey sectional couch, and begging for mercy from her husband. "Please Mike.. I am so sorry!"

He didn't hold back as he started his assault on his wife. "I just want dinner! It's not hard!" He yelled as he ruthlessly battered his wife as she sobbed.

After his assault, he bent down and kissed her cheek, "oh no.. I'm so sorry baby! Damn, I didn't mean it. Come with me." He picked Rose up and carried her to their master bathroom and placed her in the tub. "I'm so sorry baby. Here.. it's okay. Warm water?" Rose didn't answer, but shook her head and Mike took that as a 'yes.' He let her soak for nearly an hour before he went back to get her, and 'lovingly' placed her in their bed.
When Rose woke up, her head ached, and her face and chest was sore to the touch. She winched in pain when she went to turn over to get out of bed. On her nightstand, was a note from Mike.

I've gone away for the weekend. Don't worry about texting me on our regular schedule— we both need a redo. See you Monday night.'

Rose let out an audible sigh when she remembered that today was Thursday, so she would have four whole days without Mike. But today, she had to go to work.
The train arrived to her stop, and she got her bagel. "Rose.. looking, refreshed today." Pete said.

"Four days without Mike," she smiled back. She continued toward her office feeling sore, and relived all at once.

"Good morning everyone!" She said as she entered her floor. "Hope you're ready for the weekend!"

"Good morning Rose," she heard a deep voice say behind her. She turned her bruised face around to see Sam's bright eyes.

"You seem okay today?" He was cautious with his question.

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