Chapter 24 - A Certain Scienific Coilgun

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Akahana's cartoonishly serious face walked around the daihaseisai festival grounds. Mrs. Haru observed her from afar and said, "I know how you feel you're not the only one upset. Our school is losing! This is supposed to be Hamasaki-San's event! So where the hell is he? I knew I shouldn't have let my guard down on him."

"Aww don't worry about it?" Principal Kai walked up next to her. "Who can blame you for being distracted by Gunha's sudden bloody return. That boy came back so happy with a gash of blood. I wondered who could have harmed him? But that doesn't mean Hamasaki-Kun is safe when we find him he's expelled!!"

Haru just ignored his barking and started watching a high school student keeping up with other students without the use of esper abilities. It was more of an area battle event where the contestants held a staff made of plastic if knocked off the stage they would fall in the mud and be eliminated. A short wavy dark brown hair, and dark grey eyes stood firmly as one of the last contestants.

"Oh that high school student is Yuichiro Orion?" Haru asked.

"Yeah I heard his grades are that of an honor roll student but he's a level 0. Such a great student I wish I can trade for him with one of my delinquent students." Principal Kai cried out.

The look to notice his last challenge walking up, all the high school girls eyes cartoonishly turned into hearts. The boy thought he saw Tedashii from earlier walking up but he was wrong by the boy's unruly neck length reddish brown hair and reddish-brown eyes. The girls said at the same time "Akira Takahashi!!"

"Good morning darlings." Akira saids waving at the audience. Boys within the crowd rolled their eyes. "I'll try my best to please everyone!" Akira looked over at Yuichiro and asked, "Sorry for the interference. I didn't mean to disregard you. Nice to meet you my name is Akira Takahasi."

"Yuichiro Orion." Boy said reaching his hand out but Akira didn't take his hand.

Akira smirked and said, "I'm sorry to ask but can you be the villain for this match? It motivates me to win, securing justice and protecting the audience as the helpless. So how about being my stepping stone?"

Yuichiro clenched his fist and made a fake smile. "Just go along with your imagination."

"Hehe okay, don't be offended by this." The match began and they both clashed their plastic staffs as everyone could feel the intense pressure from the two. Yuichiro turns the upper lead forcing intense pressure making Akira step. He rapidly dives, strokes his plastic staff as Akira chuckles and evades the rapid pokes. "How amusing that's a lot of effort do you really think you can beat a detective?" Yuichiro right swung and Akira duck sped towards Yuichiro. When he turned Yuichiro tilted his head, Akira was behind him already swinging. However Akira stick pop back Yuichiro deflected the swung with the end handle. Akira jumps and steps back with a smile. "Hehe."

"What's so funny hero?" Yuichiro asked.

"Two percent that are one of the vigilantes during the current events prior to the daihaseisai festival." Akira confirms with a serious glare.

"Eh... what?"

"Oh to be rude and through my job into this but you see there are problematic schemes going on and justice must be served to all the culprits." Akira explains. "You understand with all these smiles we can't take that away. But we should prevent as much violence as possible. But well I'll get my answers, K know we lack info on the digital hero but.. how about this. If you stop these next few attacks you're Joker."

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