After our room service food, Ian and I ended up having a small food fight on the bed, with what we didn't eat. We were cracking up and rolling around everywhere, trying to mash food in eachother's faces. We even fell off the bed together. Ian was my prince charming, because I fell first, and he fell on top of me. But he was quick and put both of his arms behind my head so it wouldn't hit the floor.
I felt waves of love flow through me when he protected me like that. It was romantic, like in movies.
When I told him how good that had made me feel, he stared at me for a long few seconds with a funny look on his face as he still layed on top of me looking down. "What?" I asked impatiently. I thought maybe he was turned on from being on me. He's never really been on TOP of me before. A few quick times when we'd wrestle and play, but that was it. "Come on Ian! You're making me weirded out!" I added when he didn't answer me.
Finally, he said something. It was like he came to, from being somewhere else in his own head. "I was just thinking....remembering....."
"....................Ok?????? Good.......remembering WHAT?" I asked impatiently.
He smiled at me for a few seconds. "Remember when I first met you? You talked very very...slow. You were so shy and awkward. I remember holding my hand out to shake yours, and you just.....looked at me in a panic.....but mostly, I was stuck on how slow you used to talk. Like you wanted to make sure you were using the right words, one word at a time or something.
And I had forgotten about that, because each time I was with you, I guess you got more confident, and slowly but surely, your speech got faster and faster. But it was so gradual, that I didn't even really notice! And now, it just hit me, that you talk perfectly normal now. It just popped up in my head, when I fell on you, because I wanted to protect your head so badly, that I couldn't concentrate on protecting the rest of you, especially my weight landing on you. And for a split second, I had a panic because I knew I might hurt you with my body contact. And that brought me memories of the way you talked back then. And how far you've come. And here you are. My entire body covering yours. Full contact.
And you're laughing and fine. Every once in a while, my heart overflows with love for you, I guess is all. Sappy time. Sorry. You can finish trying to push the mashed food in your hand, into my face." Ian finished.
"Yes. I remember how slow I talked. I remember when I didn't talk at all, really. Being with you has made me get normal so much faster than I would have. I know I would have eventually, but it was taking YEARS. And I'm over all that stupid touch stuff, if you can't tell. After the first few times you hugged me, I realized that touching doesn't hurt, and that fear is totally gone. I mean, I know if someone WANTED to hurt me, it would hurt. It was a stupid fear, looking back, I guess. But how would I know? Ya know what else I know?" I added in at the end. "I know THIS!" I said, as I lifted my hand up off the floor beside me and mashed the potato mush I was still holding, right into Ian's face. Smack in the middle.
He totally didn't expect it. And I couldn't stop laughing.
"Pffffft.......ptheh.....oh you bitch!" Ian said in an amused, but plotting revenge tone of voice.
He got up and reached onto the bed, and grabbed another handfull of food, and quickly brought it back down and sat on top of me, before I could escape. I had tried, but he was too fast. Dammit.
He smiled an evil smile for a while, looking down at me, helpless pinned under his legs.
He looked me up and down a few times. Plotting. Planning. His grin then widened suddenly, and I saw a twinkle in his eye, and he bit his lip.
Uh oh.
He scootched himself backwards so he was pinning my knees down with his butt and thighs.
He grabbed one of my hands that was up and ready to block the food. His other hand went straight through my feeble attempt to block it, and his entire hand, food an all, dug right down into the top of my pants and disappeared for a second. He pushed and pushed and squirmed his hand around down there, all the while, laughing an evil triumpant laugh at me as I squealed and writhed, defenseless.
That fucker! He smeared that whole handfull of mashed potatoes inside my underwear. All over my vagina. All inside the creases and folds, too. Even down onto the entrance.
Oh. MY. God.
I was sooo mad at him!! Yet, it was such a funny thing he did.....I never would have thought of it. I wished I did.
When he was happy with the mess he left in my panties, he got up and took manly steps around me, like a tough guy, saying "WHAT! WHAT!!!! That's right, bitch! WHAT!!!"
I got up and immediately started to take my pants off, because the food felt so uncomfortable and icky down there. I really was going to have to get him back for this sometime soon. When he least expected it. He just started a war, I told him. And I called him 'fucker' outloud.
He stopped in mid tough guy arm flailing/gang sign dance, and started cracking up, watching me take my pants off, seeing the clumps of food making my underwear all lumpy.
"Ha haaaah." was all I could say. I stomped into the bathroom and found a washcloth and scooped out most of the food from my groin. When I got 90% of it, I left my dirty undies on the bathroom floor, and took off my food stained tee shirt too. And my bra. I'd shut him up. I could still hear him out there, laughing away.
When I was completely nude and mostly cleaned of food, I walked out of the bathoom. I felt really really vulnerable and strange, and a bit hesitant. Ian had never seen my body before, yet. He had felt it, but never seen any of it. I felt very shy.
It took Ian a few seconds to turn around, as he was picking up the big clumps of food off the floor and bed covers. He was still giving quick little chuckles now that his laughter had died down. After he flicked a bunch of food off his hands and into the tray on the bed, he turned and said "You ok in there babe? I hope you're not.........................................." his eyes landed on me at last. "........mad" he said that last word in a tiny, pathetic voice, then swallowed a loud, hard swallow as he stared at me, mouth gaped open. He looked me up and down several times, stunned.
Ha. I shut HIM up!
I put my arms up and out at my sides, and angled my fingers like he had, and bounced my hands in the air once, and said "WHAT!?"

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